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Level 140+ Equips/Where to Find Them
Hi guys, rn I'm a lv. 149 Shadower in Bera. I'm trying to figure out what sets I should be using. Is Pensalir or Chaos Root Abyss better?
If Pensalir is better, I tried farming it at Yellow Goblins (Goblin House) but found nothing. The drop rates at Kerning Tower were pretty lackluster and I can't seem to progress past the first map in Temple of Time. Any suggestions?
Would also appreciate any suggestions on where to hunt 140+ daggers.
Chaos Root Abyss equips are better (considered best-in-slot), but are level 150. You also have to beat the Chaos Root Abyss bosses (which is unlikely if you don't even have Pensalir), unless you buy them from the Auction House (again, I'd hesitate to say you'd have enough mesos if you don't yet have Pensalir).
Temple of Time follows a questline to proceed to various parts of the temple. Speak to the Temple Keeper and begin the Path to the Past quest, then proceed to complete "The One Who Walks Down Memory Lane" 1-5 (kill 333 of a particular mob in the temple) and the quest Lost Memory. You'll repeat this quest again for the Road of Regrets and the Road to Oblivion (at level 155).
^Problem I see with this is that Bains is a starforce map and just a hunch, but my guess is op hasn't sfed any of his/her gear. (Could be wrong but that's just the feel I get if s/he is asking Pensalir vs CRA.)