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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
If the hacker issue won't be addressed...
Then I think that normal players shouldn't be penalized for grinding on a map that a hacker is on. Plain and simple.
All of the wild board maps are covered in hackers, and it's pretty much the only lvl 50 area that there is, so where are people supposed to go? It's unfair that hackers can take over popular maps now without consequence, yet it's a bannable offense to use these maps at the same time because it's considered 'benefiting from hacks.'
Well what the hell are we supposed to do? Not grind? Quit the game? Never do quests that require the use of these areas?
Gold Beach is infested. Boars are infested. Sleepywood drakes are infested. But we can't use these maps because hackers are on them. Hackers that get away with hacking.
Change the rule to allow use of the same map for a normal player, or do something about hackers. At some point nexon has to step up and show some care for the legit players, because they're dropping like flies. If these keeps up, every single map will be infected by hackers and there will be literally NO PLACE for normal players to go. Is that what nexon wants?

1. Report them in-game and turn in the ticket as well. We'll make sure to ignore them all
2. Hacker issue is difficult problem to solve. We're working on it (for last 10+ years) but it's not gonna get fixed magically. We're "WORKING ON IT"
3. Moving the thread to Rants and Raves
4. We'll pass on the message to devs
Oh almost forgot
5. You've already posted about hackers. Stop spamming the general chat (Merging Threads)
I wasn't spamming for what it's worth. Different topic on the same subject, however.
I totally expect to be moved in the end though, which still solves nothing. I just wanted to voice my opinion that we shouldn't be punished for grinding in a map a hacker is on when the hackers are allowed to be there without punishment themselves. I'm not trying to benefit from them, I'm just trying to play the game.
It's good to see people like you who are actually still fighting for justice, I'm 1 of them too, actually, I was.
I realized that there's really nothing we can do... I've never ever reported any hacker in game, nor in a ticket to nexon, because I know that's absolutely useless.
I think the only way to solve it is by the owners themselves, if they only really really wanted to take care of them, I can promise you that at least 90% of botters would be gone.
Just think about it for a moment and imagine this, you have a company, you have a game and you're running this game which has a lot of players in it, and then you hear that there are hackers in it, just imagine, you're the owner of this game, you're like a God and God can do ANYTHING.
You're able to erase those hackers in so many different ways, because this is your game, you've made it (along with other smart people), as I said, you'er a God, you can just do anything you ever want in it.
Also I believe that 1 of the best ways to put an end to this is by dictatorship. yes.
For example, you see someone, lvl 250, with 0 fame, no farm no nothing, no clothes (just a few lvl 10 clean ones), no guild, no nothing! and his ign is.... something like this "awias4egaw3" can you ban him? no, why? because of democracy that we have. I mean, how can you know that he's a hacker? you don't have ANY sort of proof, no ss no nothing, maybe he's just a.... legit person who reached lvl 250, with no guild, and he just put some cheap lvl 10 clothes on him? and maybe he didn't get any fame from anyone? who knows? can you say that he's a hacker? of course this. and yet, we all know for a fact that he is a hacker! I don't think anyone in here were born last night.
But in a dictatorship way, you ban these kind of people, and therefore the game would be much more clean with less hackers.
What am I telling you all this? to hope that you and everyone else will understand 1 thing.
If they really really WANT to put an end to this hackers problem, they can easily do it. very easily actually.
Also be careful when you're talking about this kind of subject (hackers), watch out your words because some people in here are doing their best in order to "close mouths".
He's being sarcastic, and he's been warned repeatedly about exacerbating the issue by refusing to stop posting FUD and sarcastic comments on other threads, regardless of relevancy.
For that, he's been given a temporary ban.
The same is true of Gomenasai, whose warning has been escalated; criticism is allowed, FUD and lying about Nexon's intentions is not. They've been warned before and they continued doing it, and those are the consequences of continuing to do it.
Hackers are not "allowed" in maps "without punishment". I'm aware that they're prevalent, but that does not mean they go without punishment. Especially if they're only in low-level areas, because that implies they're being repeatedly banned and recreated.
You're not allowed to benefit from hackers because you're expected, as a legitimate player, to play legitimately. After all, "benefiting" from hackers is about the difference between hacking yourself and standing in front of one and stealing their kills, I.E. not that great. Frankly the only excuses people can give about this is something about how players use botted mesos all the time, which I find to be such a cop out personally, but me thinking that doesn't stop people from saying it.
Moreover, although it sounds like an excuse, Wild Boars is not the "only" level 50 map, try Riena Strait. There are other maps you can go to, and popularity is hardly relevant at low levels to begin with.
Now, I can't snap my fingers and make hackers disappear, much as I want to. I can report on trends or influxes of hackers or of a certain types of hacking, but I can't make them vanish myself. So I can tell you that it's being passed along or worked on, and you can believe it or you can not believe it and come up with excuses about why I'm completely full of hot air (to phrase that politely) and don't know anything, but that's what I can tell you because that's what I can do.
We have rules on the forum and I enforce them. Your thread isn't breaking any rules. Some of the users in the thread are, but not you.
Removing the naming and shaming rule wouldn't solve the issue i terms of reporting hackers. Part of the reason why the rule exists is to ensure Maplers are reporting hackers to the correct channels. If a Mapler were to report a hacker on the forums with their name, we wouldn't be able to follow up with any actions on the report.
As mentioned in this thread already, it's best to document the hacker and create a report to customer support.
It's pretty safe to say that Nexon isn't doing anything. That's not company bashing, that is just the straight up truth. =/
Return the tools that allow us to do this then.
Bring back /find.
Remove offline mode.
Remove teleport blocking.
Remove silent login.
Wow, glad to see more people who actually put the truth on the table no matter how hard it is, I just wish we had more honest people like you.
As many people has said before, if Nexon really want to, they can easily get rid of at least 70%, It's just would be so easy, if they only want to do it...
TL;DR Nexon has the infinity gauntlet and could most likely snap their finger and release a working patch and half of the playerbase would disappear but the investors won't be too happy to see that number drop. It's just how companies work.
I can even bet you right now a lot of the investors know half the players aren't even real people and still invest in the company, because we as players continue to spend hundreds of dollars in-game the way they do despite the game barely standing on both legs.
I support him on this @Arwoo . With these tools, I could find out two guildies botting in Morass all the way to Lv250 from like 235+. But we know that not just ''legit'' may bot, but also these characters meso farming for meso selling, from where ppl actually buy mesos with real $$ . The Meso Pouches from CS are real joke considering the huge amount of mesos ppl buy with $$
Also, is Report buttom in-game actually working? How does that work? Must GM be already online to receive Report notice or what? I also want to know what time mostly and days GMs actually log if they only receive in-game Report command from being online, so they can take immediat action
LOL how am I FUD? All I did was list out responses you guys would give to someone addressing hacker problem. And guess what? You answered with 2 and 4 on my list. You think people saying players use botted mesos is cop out? How about you saying going to Riena Strait if botters in wild boars are bothering you? You think that crap isn't copping out? You know that hackers are not just in lvl50 region of wiild boar dude. They're in Ludibrium, Korean village, Future Perion, and other popular maps at high level regions. And yet, you have nerve to say popularity is hardly relevant at low levels to begin with?? Ok, how about higher level region where it IS relevent huh? I'm honestly telling you, with zero sarcasm, that nobody expects any form of legit answer from you when addressing hacker problem. Everyone knows you just merge threads, move threads, raise warn level, ban people or give one of the answers from the list whenever you see people getting super angry and frustrated over nothing being done about damn hackers.
Come on, you think players aren't reporting the hackers already. And let's say that these reported hackers are being banned. So what? They're losing NOTHING since they can just make new email address and make new account and start farming meso again. Nothing changes when you simply "ban hackers." And while in that subject, you can google this and find that simply "hacking" doesn't even get you banned permanently. You need to do some crazy stuff like crashing server to dupe items to get banned permanently. If this is true, it further adds to my notion that simply banning hackers won't solve problem since they will only be banned for couple months, or even less.
KMS has different rule where you are required to have social ID number in order to make an account so they can't simply hack, get banned and make new account like GMS hackers can. And I know that GMS really can't implement that kind of rule because GMS host people from Australia, Europe and etc. But that doesn't mean that GMS can't take other measures to prevent hacking. AT LEAST please update and fix the hack detection. Like people have been saying, hackers are using the program from years ago. To deal with the hacker problem, nexon needs to take bold and novel method. And even if that method fails, just reroll it and try different methods. People want to see that something is done about hacker problems and that game actually cares about legit players.
It's especially frustrating to see the few hackers who do get banned come back mere months later. I guess it doesn't matter how blatant your cheating is you'll just be forgiven.
We were even told that the first hard will clears would be looked into and yet on my server and likely many others hackers solo'd him in the first week with no punishment at all.
I do want to touch on this one thing, however.
How are players expected to play legitimately when hackers are taking over all the maps they need to use? Are we supposed to say "oh well lol" when all 20 channels of maps on gold beach are taken over by hackers?
It's discouraging when we're being told basically to 'give up' on the game because hackers exist and they are multiplying. They are in areas where people do quests. Gold Beach, to go with this example, is a questline that the game itself pushes users to do at level 45. They encourage the questline because it gives decent end rewards for the level range, but we're also expected to give up partway through because of hackers.
That's my biggest issue. If we play on a map that a hacker has taken over, we get punished because we're being told we're benefiting. Yet the number of areas that people grind in are diminishing because of hackers increasing in numbers. Sahel 2 is a very popular map for the 80-100 lvl range and it's often overflowing with hackers. It's a popular map because of the spawn rate and the fact that it's a one-level monster area. So we're unfairly forced out of the area to grind elsewhere because of hackers because WE have to fear being banned.
It's largely unfair and that's the point I'm trying to make. Legit players shouldn't be banned because hackers are taking the game over and making it impossible to get quests done.
Yes, Reina Strait exists but the wild boars area has always been a go-to area because of the spawn rate and the simple quests with easy experience. Not to mention that it's faster to train there than to do all the back and forth quests in RS. Hackers are making legit players suffer in numerous ways.
I had to change the map I was on numerous times during 2x because hackers repeatedly dropped in and just took over in a second. It's unfair. Legit players are seriously getting the short end of the stick. If it continues at this rate, Maplestory might as well shut down because there will be more hackers than players.
seem to me that you need 2x xp plus mvp to make boars as good as Reina. Especially in reboot which you'll need DA or high legion to one shot.
what bother me is that legit players that leech hackers are much more likely to be banned than the actual hacker, hackers have detection bypass and normal players are pretty fked if you happens to damaged some vacced mobs by movement ability or something.
What if it's not benefitting but rather the alternative is literally unplayable?
I'm in bera where let's be honest for a second, during peak times every single channel but channel 1 is unplayable. The channels are so lagged that your attacks don't register for 3s, same goes for pickup and not to mention I literally have a 50-50 chance to crash when I change channels.
So I need to goto stone erdas but both the stone erdas and mixed map are botted in channel 1. So I repeated try to change channel to 2 (loss of about 2 seconds for me cause it takes me repeated tries). Now I risk crashing at a 50-50 rate, and if I make it every kill now takes 3s and every pickup is 3s.
Ok so now a simple 50 stone erdas sample that should have taken me about 3mins is going to take 3x or more longer to give me a 9min quest completion or I just risk getting banned to finish at the usual 3min or less (if it's a kanna), or I keep trying to find a free channel and crash at a minimum of 4 times wasting about 20 minutes to complete a single quest.
I'm not always negative about nexon but in this case, you really can't pick and choose. If you want me to not be in the same map as a botter then you have to actually provide a user experience that isn't borderline unplayable. What if all the channels are botted? I literally can't complete the vj daily, especially if I trade the quest in and get the same mob.
Best part is he keeps making new accounts to try and get back up in the rant, word, of advice if you are gonna bot don't bot under Arcania side I watch that side of GRAZED.