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[Announcement] Cube Purchase Restriction Update

Reactions: 17,755
Posts: 498
edited October 2018 in Announcements
Hey Maplers,

To combat fraud, we'll be making changes to the current purchase restriction of cubes. Currently, characters must be at minimum level 120 to make cube related transactions through NX Credit. After tonight's maintenance, characters must be at least level 150 to purchase cubes with NX Credit. NX prepaid related purchases will not be affected by this change.

Thank you!


  • DodochDodoch
    Reactions: 1,380
    Posts: 36
    edited October 2018
    I don't see how this makes any difference what so ever.
  • FawkoFawko
    Reactions: 2,360
    Posts: 120
    edited October 2018
    Make it level 200. Even then it wont be enough. Can you add this to gacha/boxes too?
  • FaustoLXIXFaustoLXIX
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 2
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2018
    The level entry is too low if you truly want to combat those chargebacks, make it at least level 200.
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
    Posts: 174
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2018
    Personally I don't see how this will change anything
  • 26002600
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 93
    edited October 2018
    Fawko wrote: »
    Make it level 200. Even then it wont be enough. Can you add this to philosopher books and gacha/boxes too?

    I'm with this person, should make it at least level 200, Mega phones should be set to only be used at a higher level as well to cut down on meso selling, I wish I could think of some way that could handle the meso spamming in Henesys, that wouldn't effect other people.

    Biggest waste of time for GM's having to baby sit Henesys from meso spammers...

    You're better off using Pre-paid NX so many places sell Pre-paid NX even though Nexon doesn't vouch for the places, but when it comes to using a credit card on it's highly risky for fraud, NX credit doesn't give you much to buy anyways...
    Every one now day's should have a PayPal account, anyone who claims that they worry about their credit cards getting hacked by giving it to PayPal aren't thinking to smart because using your credit card to buy NX credit from Nexon isn't anymore safer, besides Nexon uses a 3rd party processing for payments so there is nothing stopping that company from having your card leaked in some kinda data breach.
  • Ch20isBackCh20isBack
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 4
    edited October 2018
  • StarryKnightStarryKnight
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 119
    edited November 2018
    The problem is not cubes, the problem is the quantity of cubes that is necessary to tier up and to finally get a good roll. I've done some back of the envelope calculations, and it would cost around $2000 USD to get legendary tiers on all 22 pieces of potential-able equipment with decent rolls (not perfect rolls mind you). When the cost of end game is that high, its not all that surprising to see rampant fraud.

    If you want to solve the problem, get rid of trash stat lines, and make cube outcomes statistically more likely to be favorable to the class or job of the person rolling the cube. When someone spends 22 dollars on 11 cubes, and ends up with neither a tier up nor a usable line of potential, they've literally flushed that money down the drain. Kids don't have access to a couple thousand dollars to plunk down in a game, and most parent's are not willing to spend thousands of dollars on a game for their kids. (clearly with such an expensive end-game, this game is NOT intended for children or young adults).

    Hell, I've used 400+ occult cubes on a single item just trying to get 9% stat on an epic potential, so I can barely imagine how many cubes it would take to get 30%+ stat on a legendary. Case in point, I have a superior gollux pendant that is currently unique, and I refuse to spend money on it, so I just use every master and meister cube I come across, from events and bosses, I've used probably over a hundred such cubes over the past six months, and still have a unique item with useless stats wasting away in my inventory because my reinforced gollux pendant has better stats with only an epic potential. I understand you can trade spending money for an investment in time, but it shoudn't take a year to get a single item to legendary with good stats, else it would take 20+ years to finish gearing, and by that time new expansions have made your old gear obsolete, so at some point it just gets ridiculous.
  • FawkoFawko
    Reactions: 2,360
    Posts: 120
    edited November 2018
    Can this be extended to any item that is profitable such as premium boxes and gachapon and anything tradable?