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Game crashes before the login screen

Reactions: 100
Posts: 2
edited October 2018 in Tech Support
I decided to come back and play Maplestory again, but when I downloaded Maplestory through the Nexon Game Launcher, and tried to play, my screen went black for 5 seconds, then it crashed with no error messages or anything. I tried adding the game to my exceptions in the firewall and in Avast (even disabling both of them), going into RegEdit and changing the value for SoScreenMode to 1, and nothing has worked.

I have also downloaded Maplestory on Steam because I hate the Nexon Launcher, but the game is still crashing.

I have an ASUS K52Jc (laptop), running Windows 10, 8 GB of memory, Nvidia GEForce 310M. I forgot to mention that I have an Intel i5 processor.

Any help would be appreciated!


  • ruth02ruth02
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 83
    edited October 2018
    only intent log and persist logging whit this errors , so many people have problems whit the crash ( now principal problem whit the lag and hackers to today in the game ) we need wait in fix official definitive for this problems, in maplestory2 a example, none problem have compared whit maplestory , and is rare , i not have a great cpu but can play other games (world warcraft-dota-fortnite and other whit ms2 normal and perfect, but whit ms ... have crashers, errors of runtime of visual, change of character and the game closed .. in game launcher the tipic crash
  • BippyG7BippyG7
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2018
    I can play WoW, and a ton of other games that have better graphics than Maplestory, so I highly doubt it's my laptop. It seems every time I come back to Maplestory (or Combat Arms before Velofe took over), i would always have problems playing the game. Like, the last time, the fix for me was launching Maplestory using GameLauncher.exe, but **** Nexon doesn't want us doing that anymore, so now I pretty much have to use the Nexon launcher, or Steam.