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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Recently started playing. Chose Cadena. Any tips??
I'm at Renegades by the way
Think "LHT" (first time I've seen him/her being referred to that, o.o) meant "is don't get too invested in your first character" on the fourth line [judging from following commenting].
Assuming you want to stick to Cadena, you should probably look up some guides (the two I usually use are strategywiki and ayumilove). Cadena is a highly "skill" dependent class that depends on "combo"-ing (going off of personal experience and what ayumilove says), which will make it kind of difficult for a new player to get used to/master. Always be trying to master your comboes/skill linking until you're comfortable with them. Good luck.
(If you end up deciding to change servers and end up in Scania, feel free to buddy list me, Cygnus277. =L)
ROFL (Feel free to type my full name if you like XD)! Yeah! He's right. I don't know how that happened. What I thought did not register on screen. I gotta watch out for that.
However, I do have to agree with YangX, regardless that I don't use guides (That's just me personally. I am old fashion and welcome mistakes). Cadena is a tough character, and I will be honest... "That class looks AWESOME! HANDS DOWN!". But, I go by the old rules: The tougher the character the easier it is to make mistakes. Don't get the wrong idea with my advice about not getting too invested on your first character. If your heart is set on making this character as your first, feel free. Just be aware of what you are getting yourself into. Like YangX said, it's difficult for new players especially if your experience creating this character is at ground 0. (Heck! I have no experience making this character.)
In any case, don't underestimate the power of investing into a character. My first character was a cygnus pirate, but I made a few mistakes. Put all my stuff on mules, mesos in storage, and deleted it. So, I made a Paladin with the pirates money. He provide potions, money, and armour/weapons to benefit my new Cygnus pirate. I won't even have to start from the ground up for my next warrior. You might have an easier time with your Cadena as your main if you did a little investing. (Sometimes, it's all about "The MESOS!!!" Ahem! That came out so wrong.)
Well, Scania is a decent place to start now! So, feel free to talk to him. So, you're Cygnus277? Checking you out on the ranking!
Returned: Oh wow... you're actually.... kinda cute!
The only thing you really have to worry about is that her HP is kinda low, so once you get into the areas where monsters are dealing you higher amounts of damage, it's possible for her to die really quickly (or in 1 shot as with Vanishing Journey 0 AF).
Overall I would definitely recommend it - it's a lot of fun.
Don't judge a character by the first two jobs. (1st and 2nd job) Most classes don't really start to flesh out into their final "feel" until 3rd.
If you still hate a character after 3rd job, feel free to put it on backburner while you try other classes.
If you don't like a job after 4th (Level 100) Then you may want to consider a difference class.
Most classes are fully fleshed out by 4th job (5th job is meant to compliment 4th), but sometimes 5th job (or hypers) can drastically change the way a character is played.
For the sake of trying out classes and getting a feel for them, I'd recommend you play each class to level 140.
This will give you an A rank character for legion (Important later on!), 2nd level of link skill (Also important!), and give you a good feel for the class as a whole.
Good luck on your adventure!
That's only cause I'm wearing the leftover Infinite Pawsibilities cs, wait till it expires and you see my true ugly self. =L
^This guy either doesn't know about linking Cadena's skills or is trying to boast about how well he can do it. xd
Can't claim I know how hard/easy it is post second job but pretty sure there's a lot that goes into managing skill order and timing to keep up her combo system
^Second this part of this comment (otp NW and you basically have 1.5 skills until third job, xd).
So why are you bothering to comment if you don't know...? Sigh.
As someone who ACTUALLY knows and plays the class, the combo system is really simple. You have to attack monsters with each of the eight skills once to charge the combo, and then you can alternate between 2 skills to keep it going. There is no order or timing required. Additionally, you get a 4th job skill that fully charges the combo stacks if you're too lazy to do the eight attacks individually.
The same reason you comment on most other posts from "your personal experience" even though you're either literally just parroting the op with little to no new info or just saying something completely off the mark. *sigh*I mean just the fact you have to alternate between two skills to keep up your damage already makes it a slightly harder class (albeit, some players like to have mechanics that keep you focused and not hold one button down brain-dead). That's not something most new player are going to adapt to quickly. Also, even with how fast some people can level to 100, I doubt most "new" Maplestory players would be able to do that within a couple weeks (mainly cause they'll still exploring the game itself and such vs just straight up grinding), meaning there's enough chances for him/her to dishearten with the class long before s/he hits 4th job. Hence why I assumed experience from the first two jobs would be sufficient cause that's what's going to make the most impact on a new player trying a new class (given, yes, as stated above, it would be a misleading impression cause of 3rd job +).
Are you even reading the posts...? At what point did I parrot anyone ? As far as I can see, I'm the first person to actually provide pros/cons about the class - everyone else has said 'try new characters,' 'check out guides' - the op asked about Cadena tips, not tips for how to choose other characters. And if someone is asking for tips, they are asking for someone's 'personal experience' with actually playing the class, not someone's speculations they've gathered from playing a character a little bit and reading some guides. =/ Furthermore, I went on to explain the eight skills required for linking and how to maintain it - from what I can see, I'm the only person in this thread who has actually provided relevant experience and information about the Cadena class (which is what the op asked for), so I would look inward if you need to point fingers at who's 'completely off the mark.'
You're treating MapleStory like some highly skill-dependent game - if you find alternating between pressing two buttons on your keyboard difficult or requiring skill, I have to seriously doubt your skill as a gamer. I will, however, agree with what Fuhreak said - you'll get a feel for the class pretty quickly, though some do become a lot more fun in the 3rd or even 4th jobs. Personally (which is what the op is asking for, personal tips -cough-), I enjoyed Cadena right from job #1, and all of her subsequent jobs helped develop and strengthen the skills you've previously learned. It is definitely a fast-paced class, but I like that in a MapleStory class.
Here's a video guide from a well known and respected KMS player; Kobe.
On the youtube page, it has time stamps if you don't want to sit through it all.
(Also, as a spanish speaker, it's kinda painful when someone pronounces cadena in english)
Nice to meet you! Oh! How do you pronounce it? I am very intrigued. I don't think I am pronouncing it right because it sounds similar to Canada! Wait.... Cadena.... Canada..... Cadena.... Switch the d and the n.... than change the a to e.............. OMG!