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Root Abyss Help.


  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,760
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2018
    Lucsean99 wrote: »

    CRA lol I guess i was too tired oh well. Just uploaded a video to my page on this matter. My other classes have better gear, but lower lv.

    Oof. Okay. Let me start off by saying, you don't even understand the mechanics of the boss. You complain about being one shot by breath.
    It's a move that's designed to one shot you if you're not in a party. For each party member that gets hit by it, damage is split.
    Your gear being crap isn't the issue here. You honestly should be fine. More so in a party. Learn the mechanics of the boss, then try again.
    I hate to say it as it sounds mean, but to be blunt, this is an issue of your skill level.

    To prove that these bosses are fine, here's my take. (Please forgive me, people who main these classes...)
    You can see here that my gear is absolute crap. Even worse than yours. I play in reboot so that changes a little bit, but not that much.
    Then I take an even lower character with "better gear" and again, it's not an issue.
    I have absolutely no trouble killing any of these bosses, even on a class that I don't play. Because I understand the boss I'm fighting.
  • Member Deadling
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 88
    edited December 2018
    My I/L just freezes queen in place and kills her within less than a min? I see no problem. But then again, I've raised my gear. I have 4 parts at least of level 140, and am working to upgrade to 150 now, started with my staff for that sweet sweet damage increase of course. Working to start the xfer process of my earrings to my dea sidus, but I need to find 6 more 60% scroll for earring for int. Anyone in Broa that has these, paying a mil a piece, lol.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2018
    Deadling wrote: »
    My I/L just freezes queen in place and kills her within less than a min? I see no problem. But then again, I've raised my gear. I have 4 parts at least of level 140, and am working to upgrade to 150 now, started with my staff for that sweet sweet damage increase of course. Working to start the xfer process of my earrings to my dea sidus, but I need to find 6 more 60% scroll for earring for int. Anyone in Broa that has these, paying a mil a piece, lol.

    You could just uh... use 70% spell traces or something, that's what basically everyone does.

    @Lucsean99 You see this? This is someone who knew they had limitations, asked for help, took it to heart and improved their character as a result. What have you done save complain and shift the blame?
  • Member Lucsean99
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 195
    edited December 2018
    In conclusion to that video than i have no experience in fighting them, because my history is losing all 5 death counts and never facing them again. It's hopeless for a solo player, just like Lotus(CDR on my Elixirs, if they had no cdr i could've beaten Lotus. Do the remember the frustrating jump quests (same take as a solo player we ignore quests like that). Parties are dead these days so as an solo player asking for help is like asking do it for me plz( Honestly yet i hate that feeling) I will uploaded another video assuming I will keep trying until I see an improvement.

    I don't rush up to lv150- or 200 like most Maplers do.(You will hit boredom time once you hit those lvs). i'm trying to enjoy each individual class as I keep them all close to the same lv.

    2007 Mapler

    Updated video. Legit trying but failing hard (not enough dps in given time)
  • Member Deadling
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 88
    edited December 2018
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    You could just uh... use 70% spell traces or something, that's what basically everyone does.

    Not for M. Atk. The 60's actually add M. Atk, the spell traces don't.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2018
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    In conclusion to that video than i have no experience in fighting them, because my history is losing all 5 death counts and never facing them again. It's hopeless for a solo player, just like Lotus(CDR on my Elixirs, if they had no cdr i could've beaten Lotus. Do the remember the frustrating jump quests (same take as a solo player we ignore quests like that). Parties are dead these days so as an solo player asking for help is like asking do it for me plz( Honestly yet i hate that feeling) I will uploaded another video assuming I will keep trying until I see an improvement.

    I don't rush up to lv150- or 200 like most Maplers do.(You will hit boredom time once you hit those lvs). i'm trying to enjoy each individual class as I keep them all close to the same lv.

    2007 Mapler

    Updated video. Legit trying but failing hard (not enough dps in given time)

    "Hopeless for a solo player"? You just don't want to put in the work. What, should every boss be as piss-easy as zakum is now? Where you just walk in, slap it once or twice and collect your rewards?

    I like how you say "if I didn't have potion cooldown I could beat lotus". Yes, I too could clear a great many bosses if I was allowed to literally facetank everything while chugging power elixirs.

    "Parties are dead" and so is apparently going to root abyss on channel 1 and asking to go along on a normal ra run.

    I don't understand how your refusal to "rush up" to various levels has any bearing on this when, on the previous page, I told you what parts of your gear(all of them lol) are crap and how you could change it. You elected to go off on some tangent about high risk, high reward instead of acknowledging that your gear was garbage.

    And as I said before, you need to improve your gear. I told you one way to go about doing so. And if you're using literal garbage gear just to prove a point then this entire thread is asinine.
  • Member StarryKnight
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 119
    edited December 2018
    Unfortunately, this is a case where improving your gear is the ideal solution. It isn't that expensive either. You are on a regular server, and with just 10k NX prepaid you could *vastly* improve your gear.

    Use 10k prepaid to buy 10k Maple Points, go to Free Market and use the Meso Market to trade your maple points for meso. Try to get a good deal (dont just blindly accept the current rate, it fluctuates pretty wildly in even just a day or so). 1 bil typically costs around 2k maple points (more or less depending), which nets you somewhere in the vicinity of 5 billion meso's. Try to get a bil for around 1800 if possible (not always). This should get you nearly 5 billion meso.

    Then, go to auction house and look for decent gear that is not super expensive. You should be able to get an entire wardrobe of epic tier gear and a few hundred to a thousand occult cubes for getting a good epic potentials, and you should be able to get all that for less than 4 bill. Then use the last couple bill to get your new gear to 11 stars each. You might even find some gear that is scrolled pretty well for cheap. Get a decent gollux set (belt, pendant, earring, ring), see if there is a decent price on a fafnir set, if not go with whatever you can afford. Dont spend more then a few hundred mill on each peice of primary gear (helm, top, bottom, weapon) except *maybe the weapon* but not more than a bill on that either. Then buy cheap gloves/shoes/cape that are epic tier, then scroll with occult cubes until 6% main stat (preferably 9%+)

    I used to do this on all my characters on a regular server, basically 10 bucks and could solo Zakum, Chaos Horntail, Normal Hilla, Normal Mag, Hard Ranmaru, Hard Gollux, Reg Pink Bean, Hard Von Leon, reg Root Abyss bosses, etc. I mostly play reboot now, but this method is still viable.

    Note: You don't *have* to buy and spend NX either, if you are good at making meso by purchasing items on AH (buy cheap and sell for a profit), but that method does require a lot of research (to know the going rate of an item on your server and whether or not it will sell quickly) and time (waiting for people to buy, or re-listing over and over) which is especially true on low population servers. I mentioned buying the meso via maple points because you mentioned selling perma CS items, which works, but has a wildly unreliable return rate depending on the RNG of what you get.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2018
    Unfortunately, this is a case where improving your gear is the ideal solution. It isn't that expensive either. You are on a regular server, and with just 10k NX prepaid you could *vastly* improve your gear.

    Use 10k prepaid to buy 10k Maple Points, go to Free Market and use the Meso Market to trade your maple points for meso. Try to get a good deal (dont just blindly accept the current rate, it fluctuates pretty wildly in even just a day or so). 1 bil typically costs around 2k maple points (more or less depending), which nets you somewhere in the vicinity of 5 billion meso's. Try to get a bil for around 1800 if possible (not always). This should get you nearly 5 billion meso.

    Then, go to auction house and look for decent gear that is not super expensive. You should be able to get an entire wardrobe of epic tier gear and a few hundred to a thousand occult cubes for getting a good epic potentials, and you should be able to get all that for less than 4 bill. Then use the last couple bill to get your new gear to 11 stars each. You might even find some gear that is scrolled pretty well for cheap. Get a decent gollux set (belt, pendant, earring, ring), see if there is a decent price on a fafnir set, if not go with whatever you can afford. Dont spend more then a few hundred mill on each peice of primary gear (helm, top, bottom, weapon) except *maybe the weapon* but not more than a bill on that either. Then buy cheap gloves/shoes/cape that are epic tier, then scroll with occult cubes until 6% main stat (preferably 9%+)

    I used to do this on all my characters on a regular server, basically 10 bucks and could solo Zakum, Chaos Horntail, Normal Hilla, Normal Mag, Hard Ranmaru, Hard Gollux, Reg Pink Bean, Hard Von Leon, reg Root Abyss bosses, etc. I mostly play reboot now, but this method is still viable.

    Note: You don't *have* to buy and spend NX either, if you are good at making meso by purchasing items on AH (buy cheap and sell for a profit), but that method does require a lot of research (to know the going rate of an item on your server and whether or not it will sell quickly) and time (waiting for people to buy, or re-listing over and over) which is especially true on low population servers. I mentioned buying the meso via maple points because you mentioned selling perma CS items, which works, but has a wildly unreliable return rate depending on the RNG of what you get.

    Very good and sound advice, unfortunately it will probably be ignored because none of it agrees with him that the bosses need their hp reduced.
  • Member Lucsean99
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 195
    edited December 2018
    You clearly didn't watch the new video oh well. (@ Aggraphine)
    My Rewards points i use towards Black Cubes.
    If my main world was Broa, Bera, Scania or possibly Reboot than finding gear would be easily forthcoming.
    I'm in Bellocan/Nova World server. So most of the time I make the gear myself, try to improve whatever gear I've have, Auction house, or going on a treasure hunt.

    Based on the videos Fuhreak mention I did my test on each of the RA bosses came no where to the damage spike is as when I attempt based on the 600% speed videos(regardless of gear). I/lMage was used and Night Lord, I believe as a Dual Blade Master he's Melee up close and personal, so TOA would work faster..

    Basically Once I'm lv140 or 150 Blade Master I will do another video and see if theirs any improvements into the Dps as a whole. Velluim I couldn't really touch him in damage and he wouldn't be able to killed me, but the timer would just run out.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2018
    So if you have a dual blade whose gear you're working on, why did you post a video of a corsair with literal gutter trash equips? What point could that have possibly served? It doesn't make your complaints any less invalid.

    It sounds like you're still getting dunked on by boss mechanics. If you were inexperienced, you'd be taking the advice given to you. Instead, you choose to keep going on about how the root abyss bosses are somehow unfairly set up.
  • Member, Private Tester Wenezha
    Reactions: 940
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2018
    I'm no MMORPG expert, but I have been playing maplestory for almost 10 years now, and im confident when I say this about all MMORPGS. It is expected that your grinding a lot. Just because a level requirement is met for you to have access to the content, it does not mean you can clear it / solo it. There are many things to function in to calculating whether your able to clear a boss or not, and most of the time, that is what sets said player back from say, soloing Root Abyss bosses. This is very apparent not only with low level content like Root Abyss, but it is VERY obvious with high level content in the 190+. Just because you hit the level requirement for a daily or weekly boss or are above the level requirement does not mean that you can farm the boss in 30 seconds per character. A very simple example is Hard Hilla and Normal Hilla. Just because you reach that 120/170 level requirement doesn't mean you can dps her down easily. There are many things that you have to function in when you fight a boss like when is a good time to do damage or burst damage, what attacks does this boss have, how do I evade or counter those attacks, how much damage can I do to her and how long will this take to kill? All of these functions are what make a boss a "boss monster" in the first place. Without these simple principals. Normal Root Abyss, for example, might as well be 1 huge training ground. If what you are saying is that because you are above a level requirement by 15 levels, you can easily clear content that is available to you way earlier in the game, you are painfully mistaken. Most modern MMORPGs created today have a "Gear score system," that grades your equipment to see if you are going to be able to put damage on a boss on the boss or just poke it with a stick. A simple example being Maplestory 2. The level requirement is one thing, however if your gear score is not matching or above the required gear score, you are still blocked from accessing the boss. Maplestory 1 being a decade old does not have these new modern features. However through a dedicated player base, people have made certain "DMG Range requirements / DPS Requirements / Stat requirements" charts to check manually whether they can clear content or be viable for it. Lastly, this is an MMORPG. You are expected to be playing with friends or a community, as pointed out by VFM Neospector. If you are playing alone and think that content should be adjusted for a single player experience, then this is not a request to rework content, this is an argument against the entire MMORPG genre.
  • Member Lucsean99
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 195
    edited December 2018
    "Without these simple principals. Normal Root Abyss, for example, might as well be 1 huge training ground. If what you are saying is that because you are above a level requirement by 15 levels, you can easily clear content that is available to you way earlier in the game, you are painfully mistaken"

    Wenezh plz not you too. I'm not even arguing about that. Honestly if you watch the video carefully than you can understand where the problems lies ok.
    I'm going on 12 yrs of playing Maplestory so come on some adults have to understand the term DPS, damage per second.
    - Being 15-25 lvs higher for requirement doesn't matter
    - In terms of equips equally don't matter if those above are legitimately made videos, but very suspicious
    - Learning each bosses individual movements and spells you can't always dodge them all honestly.,
    What does matter to a solo player regarding this issue is.
    - The short amount of time require to defeat the Boss. (The Von Bon boss, i get his Hp down to 72%, but time runs out.. (Stepping on his clocks decreases remaining time)
    -Damage output- the amount of damage you can dish out. (Hey if you have several mule accounts just to collaborate lots of cubes, flames etc, just to a be powerhouse. (admitting bashing my gear to feel superior go ahead I don't go insanely ahead for damage output.
    - a solo player will do dirty tricks just to gain a power spike( third party programs/hack/exploit /or such. Heck if i was powerhouse solo player i wouldn't be talking on here wouldn't I? I admittedly do my own "self hacking" which it's extremely fun(COD ZOMBIES), but I will NEVER use the methods towards Online materiel.

    In conclusion Wenezh if you did watch the latest video from https://www.facebook.com/Lucsean99/?ref=bookmarks than you clearly know my only problem with these bosse is DPS. or damage output since I'm going solo.
  • Member StarryKnight
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 119
    edited December 2018
    I gave you some information about how to get a set of good gear for 10 dollars with maple points (not reward points, different stuff). I've used that method on well over a dozen characters, so I know it works and I can usually can get upwards of 500k range (clean) with that method. Its a great starting place and gets you into bossing, so you can do gollux daily and start working towards your superior gollux set and doing commerci to work towards your sweetwater face and eye acc.

    Try and keep in mind that Nexon creates content on the assumption that you are going to maximize the opportunities they offer for improving your gear/damage/range/etc. Meaning they build enemies on the assumption that you've already put in the time and effort to scroll your gear, potential your gear, starforce your gear, flame your gear, match the boss sets, get event items, etc etc. You clearly have not done any of these things to any reasonable level, so its not really reasonable to expect the game to scale down to the limitations you've foisted upon yourself.

    The best advice I can give you right now is to stop using your reward points on black and red cubes, especially for gear that you are currently wearing. There is no reason to use those until* after* you have all your current gear to epic potentials with a 9% stat, and you can do that with occult cubes.

    Try to keep in mind that the moment you hit unique tier, you're stuck to using only master, meister, black and red cubes to continue progressing, all of which are considerably rarer than occult cubes. So if its something you currently wear, you could be stuck with a bad potential for a very long time while you farm reward points to buy more cubes or farm master cube drops.

    In fact, if your goal is to solo root abyss bosses, I would say that its pretty undesirable to upgrade past epic potentials. If you have a second piece of gear that you are working on to replace your current gear, fine, but don't wear the same gear you are cubing, have yourself a good epic potential for daily use while you're working towards a better piece with the black and red cubes. For example, wear an epic potential fafnir set, but have a second fafnir set in your inventory that you use the black and red cubes on, and don't wear it until you're done cubing it.

    To put all that into perspective, I have a level 211 NL with 1.8mil range clean, 190% boss, 85% IED and that's with only 1 peice of legendary potential'ed gear (weapon), everything else is only epic potential with at least 9% primary stat or desirable stat. Most of it scrolled with the 70% spell trace option. I can do most content in the game without issue.

    There is no reason to waste your points on cubes until you're ready to progress past epic potential'ed gear. Until then, stick with buying cheap occult cubes on the auction house.
  • Member ACMBlackCipher
    Reactions: 1,690
    Posts: 104
    edited December 2018
    To address the original post, no I don't believe these bosses need to be made any easier. These bosses were created with party play in mind. If you choose to solo, that's your prerogative.

    To address everything else, you really should gear up, I don't see what the problem with improving gear is?

    - Cubes are not needed for normal root abyss. You can bulldoze them with rare/epic potential (you get occult cubes from EVERY boss) and scrolled gear (spell traces).
    - Improving your gear =/= "rushing" through content. If you level quickly you really can bypass a lot of the lower tier equips and still play the story content and enjoy it.
    - You boomed your gear. That sucks, I've boomed it too. But monsters drop level 140 gear. They also drop 130 gear. AND 120. Zakum drops 110 gear that comes with some extra lines like extra boss damage. Necro equips from Hilla are level 120. There's many avenues to obtain gear in the span of 1 week.
    - You're not the only free to play player in this game?? I made it to 7m range free to play. This was made easier in the past couple years thanks to
    a. Cube drops (occult/master/meister) from bosses.
    b. Cubes from reward points shop (red/black).
    c. Cubes from mining (NOT CRAFTING, that's separate) legendary and mysterious ore veins.
    d. Crafting.
    e. Boss accessory set as Aggraphine mentioned.
    f. Set effects from gathering all equipment in one set.
    - You also say levels don't matter. This is false. You get main stat per level and this contributes to your overall range.
    - If you have multiple characters over 70 you have link skills. Use them to boost your range as well.
    - Other videos are suspicious because you don't think they're legit?? How about they just learned where to obtain decent gear?
    - Yeah, you can't dodge everything, but you'd know how to best survive for your class if you learned mechanics (ex. warriors can tank damage, but squishier classes should try to dodge as much as they can.
    - Short time for bosses. Von Bon is the shortest because you can theoretically stay in the boss fight forever if you corral him into the clock that moves backwards because that increases your time back up to the limit of 10 minutes.
    - DPS. If you damage output is low improve it?? You don't need to "rush ahead for insane output" just learn what's needed to clear the boss? I literally don't see how you can put a negative spin on progression.
    - "Dirty tricks." . . .?????? Hacking is hacking. It's illegal and against the terms of service but just because you can't clear a boss everyone else is a hacker? I don't see the leap in logic here. Solo players got to be solo players because they strive to improve their control and their gear.

    Now if anyone else wants to dispute what I've said because it's misleading feel free. But all you've done is give excuses as to why you can't clear a boss. You also seem to be the only one on the forums or the discord who doesn't understand that progression is necessary to advance in the game??

    The forums thus far have been nothing but helpful to you (from players to VFMs) aside from their obvious frustration with you. If you won't take this advice I don't know what it'll take, but the bosses themselves will not change.
  • Member Lucsean99
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 195
    edited December 2018

    Wow Just Wow. Honestly you guys haven't even watch the latest video just bluntly ignoring it. Nice effective trolling me.

    Why should i repeat myself numerous times?

    Calling in for VFM to removal of thread or locked. i'm sick of looking retarded when I've already told you ##### fools.

    No longer bluntly asking for help on here anymore, just power hungry kids that don't read/listen or look unbelievable!
  • Member StarryKnight
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 119
    edited December 2018
    Its not that people haven't watched the video, its that you aren't listening or understanding the advice given.

    Though, to be fair to us, the video is difficult to watch for a few reasons. First because you clearly are not equipped to solo, you are doing terrible DPS precisely because your gear is not good and poorly upgraded (not starred, not cubed well, not flamed, not part of a set with bonuses, etc etc). This is precisely the reason your DPS is low, and this is what we have been trying to explain how to fix. Secondly, the volume is way too loud so when you talk, we cant hear what you're saying, you are drowned out by the game. Third, you aren't familiar with the boss mechanics for the fights you're trying to do, dying to queens breath is a rookie mistake.

    DPS is directly related to the amount of primary stat and weapon attk you have, which is indicated by your range in the stats screen. A screen you did not show in your video. The basic thing you need to understand is that if you want to do higher DPS, you need more range. Which means you need to get more primary stat and weapon attack. The range in the stat screen is what determines your DPS, and the things people have tried to tell you would get you more than enough range/dps to solo, if you would just follow their advice.

    If we've misunderstood, and that isn't what you're asking, then perhaps this is is an opportunity for you to work on your communication skills. Everyone here has taken a lot of time out of their schedule to try and provide you with a solution to your DPS problem, and that is a demonstration of kindness, but instead you just insult them and call them all power hungry kids, when that's not it at all, its just that they are trying to explain to you how Nexon *intended* you to play the game.

    You're more than welcome to forge your own path, but don't complain about the games difficulty when you're the one who isn't considering how the game itself is designed to be played.
  • Member Lucsean99
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 195
    edited December 2018
    Again you are judging me poorly.
    -You kids clearly i don't give a **** about my 12yrs going on Maplestory
    -600% speed video shows about the same shitty gear, soloing should be easily unless something fishing about it
    - Again kids you rushed to the higher lvs. I'm enjoying all of the class which getting to a certain stopping point would be beneficial
    - I've may have played longer than most of you , but rushing your Lvs and calling me out a **** noob dying to Queen Breathe.(Ok you got me there)
    - DPS first number window as soon as you open your stats page. 30000-55000.
    - Clearly I know wtf is cubing and potentials are etc. I easily got some lv150 fafnir sets or SW equips all lined up . (only flames are newly brought in this game)
    - Occult cubes, potentials, meister cubes are all based on Luck(not Stat LUCK!

    WTF is the Lock?
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2018
    You asked for help. You were given it. You chose to throw it back in the face of each and every person that tried to help you. As far as I'm concerned, I don't believe anyone should attempt to help you further, since you've shown through two pages of this thread thus far that you're only interested in creating an echo chamber for your opinion that the bosses are "too hard". At this point I'm sincerely in doubt of your claims of having played this game for twelve years. I've played since 2014, a mere four years to your "twelve", and I can handle myself substantially better than you in every aspect of the game. I constantly improved my gear wherever I could, hunted for what I had to, bought what I could, and I'm at the point now where I can easily handle bosses that I had no hope of even scratching three years ago.

    No one is trolling you. You asked for help and people thought that you actually wanted help and not just an echo chamber of people agreeing with you. The fact that you feel like you're "looking retarded" is not anyone's fault but your own. And I'm sorry to say, but you don't control when the conversation is over. Even if your refusal to heed any assistance you've been given does run wholly contrary to even the title of this thread.

    Edit: Here's my two years to your alleged twelve. Notice any differences?

  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,760
    Posts: 1,690
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2018
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    You clearly didn't watch the new video oh well. (@ Aggraphine)
    My Rewards points i use towards Black Cubes.
    If my main world was Broa, Bera, Scania or possibly Reboot than finding gear would be easily forthcoming.
    I'm in Bellocan/Nova World server. So most of the time I make the gear myself, try to improve whatever gear I've have, Auction house, or going on a treasure hunt.

    Based on the videos Fuhreak mention I did my test on each of the RA bosses came no where to the damage spike is as when I attempt based on the 600% speed videos(regardless of gear). I/lMage was used and Night Lord, I believe as a Dual Blade Master he's Melee up close and personal, so TOA would work faster..

    Basically Once I'm lv140 or 150 Blade Master I will do another video and see if theirs any improvements into the Dps as a whole. Velluim I couldn't really touch him in damage and he wouldn't be able to killed me, but the timer would just run out.

    Gear is one of the major problems if you want to clear fast. Either gear or levels. Besides that, these things are crutches.
    I attempted Von Bon the "easy boss" at exactly 125, with no help outside of the character itself. (It would be the same as if making a fresh account/character)
    I manage to deal about 25~30% damage to him before dying 5 times. In a party of 6, this would have been a pretty easy clear.


    Next I spend about 30 minutes grinding to 130, reading some of the skill descriptions and learning the class better.
    I take him on again and manage to almost clear him. (I time out due to my own fault)
    Please note I don't play melee classes so I'm completely awful at this. This is also only my second time playing a Dual Blade.
    I am also not trying to belittle anyone here. I hope that much was obvious. Just trying to help.

    These bosses are fine and easily cleared with a team/player who knows the content well.
    It's easy to become frustrated when you have little experience with something. But it is up to you to improve yourself to overcome challenges.
    Rather than cry for nerfs, get better gear, learn the ins and outs of your class. Kick the crap out of any content that stands in your way.
    Whatever you do, don't give up. Look to your mistakes for answers on how to improve yourself.
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Edit: Here's my two years to your alleged twelve. Notice any differences?

    All I see are terrible second and third line IA. (Same as mine. ;-;)
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2018
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    All I see are terrible second and third line IA. (Same as mine. ;-;)

    Honor ain't cheap my dude. Waiting for the half-off-rerolls thing to rear its ugly head once again.

    You know what the most frustrating part of this is? That he's been told no fewer than three separate times that queen's breath will one-shot you if you're soloing, and that it's trivial to simply move behind her to avoid it, and yet still he cries about how it's not fair or something.
This discussion has been closed.