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What do you do in Maplestory?

Reactions: 7,530
Posts: 1,079
edited December 2018 in General Chat
I'm not asking how to play the game, but what activities you do a daily basis. I also wonder what other activities you do.

Also when you train, do you have a process in choosing the character you will devote time to (other than your main)


  • MigiSouthpawMigiSouthpaw
    Reactions: 1,000
    Posts: 153
    edited December 2018
    Bossing, commerci, events, improve equips, afk

    Train new characters for legion
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,720
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2018
    Earn 10-20% EXP on main, do VJ, Chuchu and Morass dailies. Do any events on going.
    Then if I feel up for it, I Boss, finish Lach/Arcana dailies or grind out another 5-10%.
    It really just depends on how I feel. I don't play at 100% constantly, I'd only burn out that way.
    I give maplestory about 40-60% of my attention. It's not as fast as I could go, but at least it's consistent.
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited December 2018
    Normal daily:
    Monster Exploration > Monster Life > Auction House > try get Commerci party quest > Legion daily > daily soul gathering (I'm a semi-ocd semi-completionist and I want to fill up my soul book, right now still on Black Slime from Gold Beach, xd) > Kritias dailies (want the weekly reset tickets and potential flame parts) > Morass daily > VJ daily > Spirit Savior > Dream Defender > Muto party quest > Commerci solo voyages > Gollux (for superior equip chance and daily scroll) > Arkarium + Pink Bean (for stone of time for smithing) > Monster Park

    Event daily:
    Monster Exploration > Monster Life > Auction House > event dailies > VJ daily (for weekly node) > Gollux > above list if I feel like it / events don't take long / events can be done during normal dailies (afk, kill mobs in level range, etc)

    As for "process in choosing the character you will devote time to (other than your main)", I base that on link skill. Higher link priority = higher training priority.
  • zoutzakjezoutzakje
    Reactions: 1,380
    Posts: 118
    edited December 2018
    I start by doing all arcane river dailies (Morass, SS, DD, VJ and chu chu in that order). During that or after that i do whatever event I'm interested in. In this case capping determination. If there is a 2x exp event going on i just grind and pretty much ignore most of the things below.
    After that i do commerci solo voyage. Maybe cpq as well, but i can't always be bothered.
    And then it's daily bossing time. Assuming there is nobody asking for a carry or in need of a queue, i always run them in a specific order. Hard hilla, normal root abyss, ranmaru twice, madman ranmaru, normal zakum (chaos zakum right after if weekly reset just happened), normal von leon (i believe hard VL does not drop master cubes for some reason), prison guard ani, normal cygnus if i can, chaos pink bean, chaos horntail, normal magnus, omni-cln if i can find a queue, and finally hellux.
    Chaos root abyss and hard magnus i usually save for people who need carries, though some weeks i might just kill them right after i kill their normal verisions if i feel like it.
    Lotus and damien i fight throughout the whole week at random times. I enjoy their fights to much to kill them right away. I tend to just leave the battle and fight them again later until i randomly decide to just finish them off. They take me a long time to kill, so i can't really give carries yet. Though i have brought people along for practise.
    After all the bossing i might go for dark world tree and scrapyard dailies, but i don't always feel like it. Otherwise i may grind a little on my main and do gollux runs on a bunch of mules.
    In between all of this there is also checking monster exploration (once every 24 hours), doing legion dailies if i can be bothered, selling stuff on ah, chatting with guildies and helping/recruiting new players i randomly come across.

    I don't always have enough time to do all of this every day, let alone grind new mules. If i do find the time to grind mules, it's pretty much like what YinYangX said. Characters with link skills and legion bonusses beneficial to my main have the highest priority.
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited December 2018
    bossing, going to monster park and chill in henesys.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,530
    Posts: 1,079
    edited December 2018
    A regular day consists of:

    -Killing 300 mobs on my mules for Fairy Bros
    -Destroying all bosses with mule carries for reward points and cubes (Lazy/tired at the moment)
    -Commerci Union (not much)
    -Grind and farm at the same time in CLP with whatever spare time is left
    -VJ and Chuchu
    -Do a 10k run of Spirit Savior and use auto completion twice
    -Morass Dailies 2x
    -Esfera Dailies 3x
    -Gollux (I've been forgetting)
    -Dark World Tree (been abandoning since I don't want to move my Kanna)

    Aside from this boring routine, I also have some other activities such as

    -Using boss occult cubes to make 9% stat gear to sell or use on army of characters (make equipment and save space)
    -Rummaging through my characters for Epic equipment I can enhance (make equipment and save space)
    -Get other characters to 200, or make their overdue 5th Job advancement
    -Farm Blackgate Rings when I am low on funds
    -Farm Heartstones and Flowers, etc.
    -Do theme dungeons that I have ignored :P
    -Continue doing monster collection even though I am at 600+ (I use a Kanna mule and Angelic Buster to attack for me)
    -Hunt monsters until I find 3 familiars cards

    Weekends consist of

    -Lucid (with party)
    -Will (I suck at this boss)
    -Hard Damien
    -Lotus Solo
    -CRA mule carries
    -Hard Magnus mule carries
    -Empress mule carries
    -CPap Solo

    This is a list of the many activities I do in Maplestory. When I am too tired to grind or hunt, I spend the day looking through my characters for stuff and enhancing them. I also update any outdated gears my other characters with better versions (replace Ranmaru items with Empress Equips.)

    I feel proud of my progress in Maplestory not just level-wise. I've tried every class and got to them to 200 and I do plan on training characters that are not Legion-based for the fun of it. Monster Collection is still a hobby even though I've obtained unlocked the best stuff it had to offer (I was screaming during the battle I registered a Nightmare Golem and Lucid herself in the same fight.) The same applies with Crusader Codex and Familiar collecting. I've stopped playing Yugioh cards (stupid Link Monsters made this more complicated,) but I still enjoy collecting them. Quests like the trait quests were a fun activity that some people would consider a waste of time. One of biggest accomplishments I made was the Empress Might quest along with obtaining a level 5 Vampire just to challenge Pink Bean Pre-Red.

    Enhancing items occur when I feel like I have an abundance of EPIC tier items from sources like Runes of Riches. It is somewhat calming to turn Purple Senior gear into CRA for my characters (I stop at 12 stars instead of going to insane stars.) Characters wearing pre-existing EPIC Timeless boots were given a Von Leon boot to transfer the potential over before being given an Empress boot as a final equip.

    Lately, I have slowed down on bossing since I am in class so focus on that. Whatever time left in the day is spent on the more rewarding dailies. I used to have a 700 occult cubes a week from bossing daily, but lately that number has been less since I've been dozing off and failing my dailies before reset (I do Arcane dailies before going to bed early since college saps a ton of energy.)

  • HousePetHousePet
    Reactions: 1,245
    Posts: 165
    edited December 2018
    Still going through all the content I haven't seen before.
    Sometimes doing some event content.
    Frequently forgetting to claim the daily gift.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited December 2018
    I take up space in Arcana.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2018
    Current schedule based on Event:
    Moonbridge Dailies on Main
    Soldiers on Main
    Moonbridge Dailies/AFK on Alt (I will be asleep during part of this time)
    More Moonbridge Dailies on Alt
    Soldiers on Alt
    -Any other Daily quests I feel up to doing, Moonbridge makes me suffer enough that I generally don't want to.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited February 2022
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,530
    Posts: 1,079
    edited December 2018
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    Current schedule based on Event:
    Moonbridge Dailies on Main
    Soldiers on Main
    Moonbridge Dailies/AFK on Alt (I will be asleep during part of this time)
    More Moonbridge Dailies on Alt
    Soldiers on Alt
    -Any other Daily quests I feel up to doing, Moonbridge makes me suffer enough that I generally don't want to.

    Okay, how when there are no events like Pre/Post Black Mage?

  • MagicFoxhairMagicFoxhair
    Reactions: 1,165
    Posts: 22
    edited December 2018
    I log on once a month, think about the grind, and log off.
  • thegreatsoulthegreatsoul
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 11
    edited December 2018
    play for 10 mins and give up on the future grind, think about coming up exam, and question my life