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[Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing


  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited October 2018
    Yonax wrote: »
    By now they more forgotten then Shade, sad times.
    The truth hurts.

    2 more weeks until our anniversary guys, are you all excited?
  • Member Troll4U
    Reactions: 460
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    edited October 2018
    Why can’t GMS rebalance their own game and their own classes, they literally made Jett and BT GMS exclusive and they don’t even bother to revamp them to show how unwilling and unprofessional they stand out compared to the rest of the servers like KMS.

    Then they just add classes like Kanna and Hayato into GMS and figure out that Kannas “discourage party play with physical attackers” so let’s nerf them where they just become unplayable like our Jett/BT counterparts and yet STILL doesnt resolve the issue above.

    And here’s 14 pages of thread about how nexon has been completely incompetent of balancing their own game. Sure they may have other issues on their mind, but if they can make that decision to nerf kannas within 3 months, why the hell not can they take that long to either revert the pile of complaints here by reverting the buff, buffing the class in general to make it on par, or revamping it as a whole.

  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited October 2018
    I've gone ahead and clipped the section in the Live Q&A with Aru & SavageAce that pertains to Kanna



    Rather infuriating, to be honest.
  • Member Elaie
    Reactions: 585
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    edited October 2018
    News about Kishin is coming sometime soon. https://clips.twitch.tv/IntelligentLitigiousButterEagleEye
  • Member ruth02
    Reactions: 1,190
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    edited October 2018
    removing kishing not solutiona nothing in the game , due w the boots and hackers use codes for kill to the mobs teleporting to this . why not use the solution how fixing in the blaze wizards in kanna? , yes urs remove kishin then too remove frenzy totem for balanced all... in twitch speaking and speaking not solution nothing ..
  • Member Yoongi
    Reactions: 1,735
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    edited October 2018
    If they remove kishin I can imagine there being a huge uproar.
  • Member Troll4U
    Reactions: 460
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    edited October 2018
    I cannot completely disagree with the idea that Kishin should be removed, however I still strongly oppose the Kishin removal; there needs to be a huge revamp to the mobs such as generally increasing mob spawns. I can say that having this change will definitely destroy Kanna as a class entirely (if they are not revamped) which will most certainly make almost all Kanna mains quit or change, making them now completely equivalent or worse compared to Jett and Beast Tamer. Furthermore this change will increase the p2w aspect of the game to those in possession of a Frenzy Totem in non-reboot worlds. Sadly, I would not be surprised if Nexon makes this horrible decision and as a Kanna main I truly feel that Kanna should at least deserve a revamp for the loss of Kishin.
  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited October 2018
    It's the big day, our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the Haku nerf.

    Unfortunately, things are really no better now than they were a year ago. Despite promises to monitor Kanna's performance, there has been no movement to better balance the class. All we have are some vague hints that Nexon will use the feedback to "guide" them on the development of new 5th job skills, where the class ranks in popularity, power, etc will be taken into account. Sadly, data regarding popularity will likely be misleading. The class is not very popular to main or play normally, but due to it being at the top of the one computer solo farming meta and being used by a large majority of players on a second computer as a way to increase spawn rates for their mains, the number of characters is massively inflated. Maybe someone has realized this, but considering Nexon past actions I'm unconvinced.

    There's also the unspecified information about kishin coming soon, and I've seen an increasing number of people complain about our bind duration. Both will likely result in further nerfs without any recourse.

    I'm really just tired of non-KMS classes being treated as second-class citizens. There's no reason these issues should have dragged on so long. It took another 3 months and two patches for weapon drops from Hard bosses to get fixed, and then the players affected are told by support after being strung along that we're just going to have to do those bosses again and hope that a new weapon drops.

    Honestly, if things aren't better once the Black update is fully out, I'm probably going to close my fan and call it.

  • Member Dodoch
    Reactions: 1,380
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    edited October 2018
    Guess we'll never get an update on this...
  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited November 2018
    We have an update of sorts: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/37972/maple-memo-regarding-kanna

    A better than expected memo honestly. I'm still frustrated that it has taken so long to get even this level of communication with the players going but I am happy it is happening. I really had hoped a Kanna update would have happened sooner as well and I am wary of what a revamp my entail. Hopefully, this will be talked about more as things progress and they can get some feedback from Kanna mains on how the changes being considered will affect them.

    One thing that the memo seemed to kinda miss is about kishin is that the important feature of the skill is not really the increased experience or drop rate, it is the reduction in the time it takes to complete objectives. That certainly translates to better exp or drops but, to me at least, what ends up being more important is the skill means I have more time to do other things. This latest Halloween quest is a great example; if kishin were changed to provide only exp/drop, it would not have helped reduce the 90+ minutes it took for your average player to complete.

    The game has an increasing focus on playing multiple characters, and that can be pretty fun too. However, the eventual loss of Kishin's spawn rate modifier is going to cause a lot of people to cut back on what they do in-game. Content new and old will need to be reevaluated to better consider the time players should spend on it. This will be a big job and require a significant investment but I think if Nexon puts in the effort to balance things well, it would be better for everyone.

    I'm also pretty happy about the botters/hackers being addressed. I've noticed my ranking has been fluctuating around a few places over the last week or so. Seems a few 250s have been banned and then reinstated. Also, if Nexon were simply able to get rid of all the hacker/botter kannas using the skill, then perhaps the lag problem would be alleviated to a degree where the skill wouldn't be considered a problem anymore.
  • Member Dancemon
    Reactions: 1,635
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    edited November 2018
    increased exp and droprate, where did we hear that one before?

    Bisshops already supply us with the exp/drop increase, and so do beasttamers , not to Forget our HS from the nodestones
    unless if the new kishin would stack with all of These it would be a complete waste, or it should surpass all of the above

    kishin is mainly a timesayer when it Comes to tedious quests involving great numbers of Mobs, which would be completely lost if it only gave Drops and exp

    it will prove to be a tremendous challenge for nexon to turn kishin in something else more usefull, but i get the Feeling they will miss the boat again
  • Member TsundereKyu
    Reactions: 2,120
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    edited November 2018
    With that "shadow" nerf they gave us that appeared in MSEA. I won't be surprised if they give us that in the future. Despite being told we wont be getting another region's kishin
  • Member Anything
    Reactions: 1,485
    Posts: 94
    edited December 2018
    So they have decided to revamp Kanna in 2019. I just hope they won't mess up the whole job. I do like the current Kanna we have but this job need a bit more 'dmg' boost (remove the nerf on Haku's Blessing), maybe add 1 more line on Vanquisher's Charm and Shikigami Haunting. Beside of the dmg boost, Kanna needs a more fluent teleport.

    I don't know if anyone uses Soul Shear skill to detonate the souls (red balls), if nobody detonate the souls (red balls), then they should just remove the 'souls' and turn this skill into passive skill: Level 15 - Final Damage: +30%. Since Kanna was released I maxed out the important skills on Kanna. I played it for a while like that untill I decided to SP Reset it. I didn't add any into Soul Shear anymore (at that time I don't think it had the Final Damage % boost). The red souls dropped on the floors were annoying, it was hard to see the drops. I usually wait 1,5 minute before I loot but if I see important drops I would go loot it but with the souls blocking the view it is hard to see.

    The next skill that I didn't max anymore is: Monkey Spirits (Passive)
    So my Kanna is missing out extra EXP and Drop %. Before they adjusted this skill, Monkey Spirit would kill Kanna when it attacked a boss with damage reflect on. So after I reset it, I never added SP into it. I know they fixed this issue for a while now but I still didn't add. This year I made a Kanna mule on my main account for Legion. On that Kanna I maxed out the skills and I noticed there was something different than my 'main' Kanna on my other account.
    My Kanna mule kept getting spammed with the message in the chatbox: 'You cannot use this skill in the air'. Monkey Spirit cannot be activated while Kanna is in the air.
    This would give me another reason why I wouldn't even consider adding SP into that skill. I do a lot of attack jump on Kanna so I don't want the spam.
    So they should allow Monkey Spirit to activate in the air too.

    Shikigami Charm: This skill has a Cooldown of 7 sec, which is good enough in my opinion. Although it's nice if we could use it more often than every 7 seconds, maybe reduce the Cooldown to every 3 seconds?
    If Kanna's teleport is more fluent then we could leave Shikigami Charm as it is I guess. The teleport is the priority but the change to Shikigami Charm will improve the mobility as well.

    Kanna's teleport not only has a big delay issue but also fails to perform the teleport, because sometimes it doesn't teleport you at all from your current location (you remain on the same spot), the teleport animation does show up though. And if this glitch occurs if you hold down teleport button and the direction button, you will keep seeing the teleport animation on the same spot without moving forward.

    The skills Spirit Corral (Active) and Tengu Strike (Active).
    I don't like either of the skills. They have too much delay, so they would need to improve the skills. Tengu Strike is stronger than Spirit Corral. I saw a high range Kanna train with Spirit Corral but I went for Tengu Strike but I barely use it. It consumes too much Mana and because it has too much delay it restrict your mobility. So I mainly use Shikigami Haunting, and Demon's Fury. Demon's Fury is not bad although it has a Cooldown of 3 sec. This skill let's me at least to use teleport after I use the skill. Demon's Fury + Teleport combo. This helps me a lot at Spirit Savior.

    Mana Balance (Active) Level 5: 30% HP used to recover 30 Mana. Although it is nice to have a Mana recovery skill but it reduces the HP. I guess a bad idea to use it during Boss battles. The HP that gets reduced is risky at bosses with Potion Cooldown. They could just recover the Mana without the penalty on the HP. There is still that Cooldown anyway.

    Beside of that, after a Kanna dies, the Mana isn't full after you come back to life. I know you can stay death and wait for the Mana to get filled but not everyone wants to do that.

    My concern about Kanna's revamp is the changes that they might make which will change the important skills (new skills or replaced by another because it is improved etc.) which will affect the trio boost nodes.

    Replacing old trios with new trios just like that might not work if certain Kanna players did a different boost node setup. We will probably need node shards or a lot of nodestones in return.

    Edit: I do hope that Kanna get to keep Kishin and that Nexon somehow finds a solution to the lag that it may cause to the servers. Kishin is so useful for many kind of purposes:
    -training characters
    -monster collection
    -skills with duration that hits a large area (Angelic Buster, Luminous, Kanna and others). If the mobs respawns fast, these skills will be more efficient. Without Kishin these skills need to wait for a respawn, so the skill becomes less effective by hitting most of the time air.

    Edit 2: Does Mana Overload skill also vanish like it happens on Kanna? I noticed when Kanna's Mana is very low (which happens often) Mana Overload would disappear. Does this happen to other mage classes?

    New 5th Job skill
    Liberated Spirit Circle (Passive) - Summon a magic circle that releases spirits wrongfully sacrificed to perform evil spells. After 5 uses, you can summon an even large circle. Unaffected by attack reflection. You cannot summon the circle yourself. It is periodically activated when you use the following skills: Shikigami Haunting, Vanquisher's Charm, and Demon's Fury

    Exactly the 3 main attacking skills I am using.
  • Member TsundereKyu
    Reactions: 2,120
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    edited December 2018
    Anything wrote: »
    So they have decided to revamp Kanna in 2019.

    gonna need a source on this
  • Member Anything
    Reactions: 1,485
    Posts: 94
    edited December 2018
    Anything wrote: »
    So they have decided to revamp Kanna in 2019.

    gonna need a source on this

    It was mentioned in the 5th paragraph
    'Our intent was actually to make these changes as a temporary measure, while we continue to plan for an overall revamp to Kanna next year.'


    Details on Kanna revamp should be provided in 2019.
  • Member, Private Tester Holas2
    Reactions: 860
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2018
    what do you guys think Kanna's new 5th? it's pretty hard to use it effectively during the boss fight since the circle only going up
  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited December 2018
    Holas2 wrote: »
    what do you guys think Kanna's new 5th? it's pretty hard to use it effectively during the boss fight since the circle only going up

    I've seen quite a few players giving it a ton of praise. For me, it's just passable. Not really the skill I though Kanna's needed, and certainly not one that addresses her current issues. It doesn't really address any shortcomings to Kanna mobbing either; it added about 8% to my overall DPS, which isn't bad but it's not amazing. If we lose kishin, I'd expect that number to drop. There is also a pretty high chance you'll be proccing the skill on some of the upper platforms of a map and that pretty much wastes a cast of it.

    To me, the convenience of not having to cast the skill is outweighed by the inconvenience of not being able to cast it on demand. Since most of the endgame bosses have smaller hitboxes and don't stay put all that often it can be difficult to set up properly. Kanna's have a bunch of set up they already have to do with domain, barriers, burst, and bind, having to manually track this 25-second timer on top is quite annoying. It would be nice if I could check the cooldown somehow but even then it'd only be just slightly less so. The damage here is fine in an ideal situation.

    My few other complaints:
    I'm not a fan of the circle's size variation.
    AFK mobs tend to cause me to burn my first use, and I don't really want to be accidentally casting it when I CC. Don't want to tick off players.
    The skill moves fast, a 30% reduction in the travel speed would actually help quite a bit. Or, when in contact with mobs, it reduces its speed.
    Kinda disappointed we weren't able to proc the skill multiple times.

    It is not a bad skill, I'm just not completely thrilled with it.
  • Member Anything
    Reactions: 1,485
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    edited December 2018
    Holas2 wrote: »
    what do you guys think Kanna's new 5th? it's pretty hard to use it effectively during the boss fight since the circle only going up
    It deals some nice extra damage, however it is mainly useful in maps with vertical layout. And we can't track the cooldown so most of the time it will be summoned at random location (example top platform). I tested this in Lachelein Clocktower, the distance it goes up passes Domain Spirit.

    I do have a suggestion what they could do with this skill Liberated Spirit Circle. Let it summon 2 more circles, so one goes up, left and right for every time it's activated.
    Or 3 more circles, which will include the circle that goes 'downwards'. So with circles going into more directions at least you get to hit more things. As of the current situation of the skill now, it does enough damage but it's just the usefulness is limited.

    EDIT Besides what I mentioned about the 'upgrade' to the Liberated Spirit Circle, turn the skill into a Toggle On/Off skill. Because in Spirit Savior the circle went up and freed the spirit, which caused the Chaser to evolve to the next stage and of course I didn't collect that Spirit. Imagine that the skill would go in more directions, that would mess up the run.
  • Member Beef
    Reactions: 2,560
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    edited December 2018
    Anything wrote: »
    Holas2 wrote: »
    what do you guys think Kanna's new 5th? it's pretty hard to use it effectively during the boss fight since the circle only going up
    It deals some nice extra damage, however it is mainly useful in maps with vertical layout. And we can't track the cooldown so most of the time it will be summoned at random location (example top platform). I tested this in Lachelein Clocktower, the distance it goes up passes Domain Spirit.

    I do have a suggestion what they could do with this skill Liberated Spirit Circle. Let it summon 2 more circles, so one goes up, left and right for every time it's activated.
    Or 3 more circles, which will include the circle that goes 'downwards'. So with circles going into more directions at least you get to hit more things. As of the current situation of the skill now, it does enough damage but it's just the usefulness is limited.

    EDIT Besides what I mentioned about the 'upgrade' to the Liberated Spirit Circle, turn the skill into a Toggle On/Off skill. Because in Spirit Savior the circle went up and freed the spirit, which caused the Chaser to evolve to the next stage and of course I didn't collect that Spirit. Imagine that the skill would go in more directions, that would mess up the run.

    Maybe make it work like BW, choose a direction and throw it
  • Member Anything
    Reactions: 1,485
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    edited December 2018
    Beef wrote: »
    Maybe make it work like BW, choose a direction and throw it

    Well of course if the skill turns into an active skill and then let you choose a direction the problem will be gone. A skill being passive and increasing your dps is a nice advantage without needing another button on your keyboard that you have to press. Many 5th job skills are 'active' skills and our keyboard is already so full to even be able to play comfortable.

    I think Toggle On/Off is better, so in Spirit Savior you just toggle it off but while training or bossing you toggle it on.