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Are there easter eggs in Maplestory?
Hello, the whole Maplestory community,
Some time ago, I tried to find secrets and special things throughout the game, but I never found anything.
Does anyone know about Easter eggs in the game or simply nothing exists?
A handful of side quests and event dialogue has a lot of references, many I can't remember off the top of my head.
There is a very small handful of secret areas and interactive objects. For example, you can actually use the outhouse in Korean Folk Town. Nothing to the extent of other games, however.
There are numerous explicit and implicit references to pop culture, including a straight-out Thanks, Obama meme in FriendStory and spoof characters of Bowser and Anna in Mushroom Kingdom. The characters in Kerning Tower are all named after gemstones and the entirety of Omega Sector is a spoof of Power Rangers.
All character classes have unique dialog in certain storylines. Specifically: Black Heaven and Tenebris. For example, in the Labyrinth of Suffering, the voice telling your character not to give up is different for each character:
Resistance characters have Vita
Explorers have Sugar
And so on
the first time you make a character you get a quest of finding 5 children's "hide and seek game"
you will notice during the game you will only find 4 npc children's on the entire map can you find the 5th one? XD
by the way I already know where he is.
The first act of Monad is pretty much a simplified Oregon Trail.
Stellar Detectives' main characters are all non-KMS playable classes.
The assistant during Riena Strait is called Nora the Explorer, obviously referencing Dora the Explorer, while her design and mannerisms are similar to Velma from Scooby-doo.
Violetta's face from Mushroom Castle is kinda similar to that Yaranaika face.
The 5 heroes: Mercedes, Aran, Phantom, Luminous and Evan spell Maple, while the explorers from the Explorer storyline: Sugar, Tess, Olive, Rondo and you (the player) spell Story.
During Heroes of Maple when the heroes go to Seoul there is mention of the sinkhole that occurred during Kinesis's storyline.
From the Lunar Year Video Message event a few weeks ago when Kinesis asks you if you know how to get to his hideout you can tell Kinesis you went to Shinsoo Academy, the main setting of Friendstory, after which he will give you directions.
Neospector already mentioned some of the best ones.
Maybe it's just going over my head, but how's this an Easter Egg? >.>
Totally didn't catch the STORY acronym, though now I'm interested if there's some way the Easter Egg incorporates Shade.
Who is this "Shade" you talk about? Are you sure you aren't imagining it?
(Maybe that's the reason why he isn't part of any acronym, which absolutely fits his character?)
Another reference to pop culture is tower of Oz being a reference to the Wizard of Oz.
There's a bit of a joke involved in it as well.
In the MGM movie, which is the most widely known version, Dorthy enters Oz because of a rather foolish decision to run away.
To enter the Tower of Oz, you have to take stupid pills.
At least, I think this was a joke by design.
This has actually blown my mind. Wow!
I always assumed he was just dead tbh, Fun easter egg about the area they're playing in, it's a landmine field... this isn't a joke btw.
I can't remember exactly where I heard this from, but it was over 5 years ago and it was only really proven real in KMS. iirc someone translated a piece of text that said something along the lines of "Explosive Field ahead, Keep Out" and a Gate was open where the kids went inside.
I do know there are Easter Eggs given out as compensation before. Unless I mistaken myself.