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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Make arcane symbols dailies shareable
Then by your logic, Nexon should have never made the blockbuster changes right? It's literally the same if its a progression mechanism that is gated by time so you must be opposed to this correct? no equivalence here?
yea, you..
Blockbusters are not "a progression mechanism that is gated by time."
It's a prequest that is only done once per character. It's not an eternal daily chore. Allowing these prequests to be skipped only saves a few hours per character, which most people complete in a single sitting or at most a few days.
You need to complete the blockbusters in order to get absolab equipment, so yes it is indeed a progression mechanism (especially in reboot) that's why the new change in KMS was welcome with open arms. Arcane force itself is a kind of prequest to training maps and end game bossing, a really long and repetitive one at that. It makes absolute sense for AF to carry over your characters.
Weird how I haven't done either blockbuster on my db yet I have five absolab pieces
I personally wouldn't mind if Arcane Force was account wide, but just Arcane Force, not symbols; the other bonuses, like stats and even the damage bonus from having high arcane force are too powerful to be a one and done a day, they'd have to be tied to something like actually having the symbols themselves. I have like 30, almost 40 characters over 200, and at least 10 5th jobbers. I don't think it's fair to get thousands of stats and a damage bonus on all those characters on what amounts to just 30 minutes a day for me.
This would be more like the new blockbuster change, not what OP is asking for.
Exactly. He's trying to say getting arcane symbols on 30 characters for the work of one character is a quality of life change. It's not. It sails past quality of life and lands squarely in "I want handouts".
Because ure not on reboot probably? Wtf is that non sense answer, do u even know how reboot works?
Of course if arcane force is shared between the account theres no point in sharing dailies since my point on this thread is to make multiple character progression easier so that u dont spend the whole time u have to play ms doing dailies, but enjoying other content the game has to offer, lile events, bossing , etc
Of course if arcane force is shared between the account theres no point in sharing dailies since my point on this thread is to make multiple character progression easier so that u dont spend the whole time u have to play ms doing dailies, but enjoying other content the game has to offer, like events, bossing , etc
If you want to see what actual quality-of-life changes are, look no further than the v-care update. When it hit, your progression further into the arcane river resulted in having to do fewer dailies for preceding areas while still getting the full reward. What you're asking for is far from quality of life, in fact you're closer to asking for symbols to be put into npc shops than you are to anything resembling quality of life.
You seem to have this twisted notion in your head of what defines a quality of life change. You seem to think that just giving people things faster for absolutely no work is a quality of life change. That's about as toxic of a mindset as the one revolving around kishin. Finishing dailies on one character and getting the reward on other characters for no work will never happen. If you want symbols on mules and alts, put in the work.
Hey while we're at it, let's have boss clear rewards shared across all characters too! If I clear lotus, damien or lucid on one character, I should get full drops for all of my characters! QUALITY OF LIFE!!!! If you don't agree then you hate fast progression
Or have boss clears and not their rewards be shared. If you clear Gollux on your main, you cannot get carried on your mules.
Its not the same because bossing is actually fun and entertaining, while arcane symbol dailies on a few characters isnt. Or are u going to tell me that u have fun while doing arcane symbol dailies on more than 1 character?
That's a matter of personal taste.
I find daily bossing as repetitively boring and annoying as daily quests. Especially if I undertake to do it on multiple characters.
The weekly bosses are more interesting - but also far more frustrating and time-consuming to attempt on alts.