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Alishan Last bomber

Reactions: 610
Posts: 22
edited March 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I'm playing as Hayato lvl 46 and I honestly can't seem to jump past the last one. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can do it? I watched a vid when one guy did and jumped past him but I tried and I couldn't, Is there really no way for me to pass through him?


  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2019
    Alishan is a waste of time, really. I can't advise you to continue through it, as it's a buggy mess. I would suggest that you simply stop now and treat the alishan option in the dimensional mirror as a way to quickly get to henesys from any other town.
  • LipyLipy
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 22
    edited March 2019
    Then what other quests would you recommend that I complete with my lvl 46 Hayato that would give me a lot of EXP?
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2019
    This game has precious little focus on quests for exp. You're better off just straight-up killing things, especially at 46. Follow the maple guide(default hotkey is U) for now.
  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
    Posts: 485
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2019
    If you like doing quests to level up (which I do), then this is the guide I use to level up:

    1-30 - job-related quests (depending on class)
    30-35 - Ellinel Fairy Academy
    35-45 - Gold Beach
    45-50 - Kerning City
    50-60 - Riena Strait
    60-70 - Mushroom Kingdom
    70-75 - Orbis
    75-90 - Afterlands. If you don't know how to do Afterlands/don't like it, you can do Ariant/Magatia from 75-100. Afterlands is only really good once you know what you're doing - when you struggle to figure out how to get the keys and whatnot, it can be much, much slower.
    90-110 - Zakum/Ariant/Magatia/Ellin Forest
    110-120 - Ludibrium
    120-130 - Fantasy Theme World
    130-145 - Golden Temple/Temple of Time
    145-150 - Kerning Tower/Temple of Time
    150-165 - Stone Colossus
    165-180 - Omega Sector. Detective Rave just came out as 175 content, though I cannot confirm/deny how good/bad the exp is, but that could be a consideration ?
    180-200 - Future Perion/Forsaken Excavation Site 2

    This is a very rough guide. Depending on many factors, you may be overlevelled when getting to some of this content (especially in the case of (tera) burning characters), but the exp is usually fine to continue even if you're overlevelled (it also unlocks all of the Maple Guide stamps which makes for easy travelling later). In many cases (especially the later levels), by the time you're done the quests you'll be underlevelled for the next area's content, so there will usually be some semblance of grinding required, though it's usually only 1-4 levels by the time you've finished the entire quest line.

    As Aggraphine said, the Maple Guide is actually a really good source (in most cases) to know what quests you want to do. Although, if your focus is just to straight up level as fast as possible, unfortunately straight up grinding monsters is going to be faster (especially once you factor in 2x coupons and whatnot).
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2019
    If you feel that you absolutely must do the afterlands, please make use of either this guide or this guide.

    You can softlock yourself in the afterlands, and if my assumption that you're a new player is correct, you more than likely will. It's annoying as hell, but there's been no indication that nexon has any desire or interest in fixing it. So just follow the guides and you'll be fine.

    This is one thing I would actually recommend doing, because the quests give decent(for their level and difficulty) exp and at the end you get an okay-ish set of totems. You're given four, but can only equip three, and equipping three gives you an alright set effect(it's nothing to write home about, but $20 is $20 to use a turn of phrase). The four totems each prioritize one of the four main stats, str dex luk and int. If you're playing anything but a mage, chuck the int totem. If you're playing a mage, I guess chuck the str totem.