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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Hey there guys!!! im returning just asking is scania totally dead or someone still play there or is better to move to Bera or Reboot? if i have to move, could someone help me and which server did u recommend to me... thanks and sorry for my english
Source: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/48198/updated-may-17-maple-memo-v204-status-update-may-17
To OP: Id recommend Reboot as I or others can definitely help you start out with boss carries and friendly guilds...but I am a little biased as a Reboot player. If you chose Bera, I'm sure people would help you out too, although I can't say for sure.
@Icydrop i check that news but i still thinking like Petalmagic... thanks anyways for answer me
really? is there anything going to be done in the future because since I came back playing on and off scania seems to be dead and even much dead compare to 2012.
And no way I'm going to start all over again on another world and progress everything again. that's soo dumb of nexon.
Guess should give up.