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Can't log in to nexon website
Can't login to nexon website
it continues for asking for reactivate account. I do so. Change my password.
But error keeps appearing (server error occured. Code: passport)
I asked for an help and nexon refused to help, because, I couldn't remember exact date of creation of account/
I haven't played after a merge (global+europe maple)
last message I wrote is:
NOBODY can remember exact date of creation of account!!!!!
WHAT THE HELL??? Are you kidding me???
You revoke my request because of that??????
Verification process failed??!??!!?
You just closed the ticket because you can't solve the problem!!!!!!!
I can even tell the jobs of characters in maplestory of my account, what items they have, their password, 2nd password, even tho I didn't played for 4 years.
Hows that for proof??? Not enough??? You can call me or send an verification to my e-mail??
there are tons of ways to proof (proves) I'm the owner of that account!!!!!!
What's with your lazy answer??????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'll message all of this to forum
Ask to elevate the issue to a higher up.
These people are here to help you, try to remember there's a human behind that chat log who has limited access to what they can and can't do.
Open another ticket up and be on your best behavior. Don't lose your cool because you aren't satisfied with the ways things are going.
It's frustrating sure, but sucking it up and dealing with an annoying process is better than losing your entire account.
Edit: It should also be noted that the Migration was 2 years ago, not 4 and that if you were part of EMS and didn't opt-into the merge, your account was deleted.
Thank you for your kind answer. I appreciate it a lot.
I already asked many times to elevate the issue to a higher up.
I won't give up. But it's really hard.
Thank you for your kind words!
It is (I'm sorry) dirty-trick-sorry-excuse to just revoke my "parole"/
I've had companies ask me before as a start. I told them when I thought I created it and they said that was good enough and moved to other questions.
Sometimes they aren't looking for an exact date, but ballpark figure. I sure as hell couldn't tell you my account creation date, but I could make an educated guess.
Yeah I could tell you I made this account late-September 2014, but I couldn't give you an exact date unless it's shown in some account overview page.
Yeah, I based my account "creation" on the old forums join date(Sometime in 2011, I believe around August or Early Sept)...although it could be inaccurate since I know I played a while before I joined the forums. I was a shy child ...(Look at me now though)
As far as OP's issue, this kinda happened on a mule account of mine, or rather, a nexon/google account pair using the same email. I am not fond of the requirement for an ID/Birth Certificate to "verify" ones account (particularly when the email is under a fake as hell name to protect my identity) so I have given up on it. I just wanted to delete the extra Nexon account tbh -shrug- It usually isn't THAT hard to delete an account but Nexon wants...a lot of information.