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Remove Meso Penalty at higher levels

Reactions: 340
Posts: 5
edited July 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Nexon please get rid of the meso penalty so we can meso farm at Bye Bye with our main characters on Reboot and use a Fury totem or whatever.

We shouldn't have to make a meso farmer to progress or even need a 2 PC meta which a toxic and stupid thing to even need in the first place to progress.

Remove the meso penalty and reduce Fury Totem cost to 250 RP and no limit per month.

Also remove limit on Boss Souls sold per week and allow you to run bosses 2 times per day and 2 times per week for weeklies.

Kritas needs a revamp for Tyrant Gloves and other rewards as well with this change.

This will solve the 2 PC meta and Kanna Farmer meta on reboot which is an annoying and bad game design meta.


  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    "Reboot is too hard for me, pls make it easier"
  • fidgetspinnerACEfidgetspinnerACE
    Reactions: 1,465
    Posts: 103
    edited July 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    "Maple is too unfun, pls make it funner"

  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited July 2019
    The main issue here is that byebye is overpowered. You should WANT to continue leveling and be getting better rates for it. The whole meso progression in reboot is a mess and will probably never be sorted out in GMS.

    I do agree with the idea that being punished for leveling is horrible game design though. Specifically for players who, for example, want to continue farming in lower maps for droplets or dailies and get massively reduced or 0 mesos, and reduced exp because they're over-leveled for the content.

    They should bring back the concept of a top level cap for level based reductions, it used to be at 180. In today's maple it could be at 230.
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    "Reboot is too hard for me, pls make it easier"

    Agree with this too, but there's some legitimate complaints in the original post as well.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,405
    Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2019
    Implement LAB's death system into Reboot since there are players who want LAB. You get Dark Souls and farming for otherwise Cash Items! Suicide once as a Kanna and you return to level 10 instead of having to kill yourself many times to empty the EXP bar.
  • SpairahSpairah
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 8
    edited July 2019
    There really should be a "penalty cap" at level 240 or 250, where someone who is over 250 is still considered a level 250 when it comes to meso drops. I don't have a Kanna to farm, I don't want to make one, nor do I have a second PC for one. Fury totems solved that issue very slightly, but now I am being forced to either stay under 250 for droplets, or keep playing the game as it should be (kill stuff, level up), and never be able to get an arcane weapon until I kill hard lucid.
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,860
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    edited July 2019
    Spairah wrote: »
    There really should be a "penalty cap" at level 240 or 250, where someone who is over 250 is still considered a level 250 when it comes to meso drops. I don't have a Kanna to farm, I don't want to make one, nor do I have a second PC for one. Fury totems solved that issue very slightly, but now I am being forced to either stay under 250 for droplets, or keep playing the game as it should be (kill stuff, level up), and never be able to get an arcane weapon until I kill hard lucid.

    Droplets are not affected by level penalty no matter how high you level, only mesos and EXP are affected.
  • MicaliciousMicalicious
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 39
    edited July 2019
    Neospector wrote: »
    Spairah wrote: »
    There really should be a "penalty cap" at level 240 or 250, where someone who is over 250 is still considered a level 250 when it comes to meso drops. I don't have a Kanna to farm, I don't want to make one, nor do I have a second PC for one. Fury totems solved that issue very slightly, but now I am being forced to either stay under 250 for droplets, or keep playing the game as it should be (kill stuff, level up), and never be able to get an arcane weapon until I kill hard lucid.

    Droplets are not affected by level penalty no matter how high you level, only mesos and EXP are affected.

    Yeah....but who wants to get reduced meso as you spend an entire month straight farming without a break just to get one item.

    The meta is super broken right now. A level 260 should still be able to train at a 225-240 place without reduced exp or mesos. This meta forces creating an entirely different character so that you can farm efficiently and then end up suicide (also terrible meta) so that you can keep getting "gains" on your main.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited July 2019
    Neospector wrote: »
    Droplets are not affected by level penalty no matter how high you level, only mesos and EXP are affected.

    Our rates are nerfed on both of these things when we're working on legitimate activities such as dailies and weeklies, or just farming symbols/droplets/etc. If this is all "current content" why should we be punished for having leveled?

    However it is important to highlight as you did that droplet rates aren't affected.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited July 2019
    LancerZero wrote: »
    Nexon please get rid of the meso penalty so we can meso farm at Bye Bye with our main characters on Reboot and use a Fury totem or whatever.

    We shouldn't have to make a meso farmer to progress or even need a 2 PC meta which a toxic and stupid thing to even need in the first place to progress.

    Remove the meso penalty and reduce Fury Totem cost to 250 RP and no limit per month.

    Also remove limit on Boss Souls sold per week and allow you to run bosses 2 times per day and 2 times per week for weeklies.

    Kritas needs a revamp for Tyrant Gloves and other rewards as well with this change.

    This will solve the 2 PC meta and Kanna Farmer meta on reboot which is an annoying and bad game design meta.

    Uhm...well this is interesting of a post.
    Meso penalty is there for the reason of getting players to MOVE maps. If it weren't there, people would stay in some maps(Bye Bye in particular)...probably forever tbh. Unfortunately Bye Bye is already a top notch map :T Doesn't need to look even MORE appealing. This is a no for me.
    I'm personally not against meso farming, heck, I make good mesos with just 40% while training my main (haven't touched my Bye Bye Kanna in weeks).
    Fury totem price I agree with...not so sure on removal of the limit. As it stands, Fury solidifies the 2-PC Meta by its high price and low duration. If the duration were higher (Hell, offer a very rare perm Fury in some sort of Event such as Maplehood or one of those gift boxes would be interesting since it would be both reg and Reboot servers) and price lower...Fury would look appealing as a convenience item instead of getting a Kanna.
    Boss stones, limit can go. Its an issue that personally doesn't bother me either way it goes. 2x a day bosses...while was nice...its gone. Just gotta accept that.
    Kritias could use a revamp to just make it relevant, but Tyrant gloves themselves aren't great anymore :T
  • LancerZeroLancerZero
    Reactions: 340
    Posts: 5
    edited July 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    "Reboot is too hard for me, pls make it easier"

    I love these drive by comments that bring nothing to the discussion and are extremely weak and shows that this person can't formulate a constructive reply so they post gamer jargon like git gud.

    2 PC meta and making an entirely different character in order to progress is inherently bad game design and the general population of players and outside gamers who play other games would agree with this. Sorry that you are close minded and sheltered from only playing this game to have a different perspective.

    Troll on.
  • OnceUponAtrollOnceUponAtroll
    Reactions: 355
    Posts: 21
    edited July 2019

    Uhm...well this is interesting of a post.
    Meso penalty is there for the reason of getting players to MOVE maps. If it weren't there, people would stay in some maps(Bye Bye in particular)...probably forever tbh. Unfortunately Bye Bye is already a top notch map :T Doesn't need to look even MORE appealing. This is a no for me.
    I'm personally not against meso farming, heck, I make good mesos with just 40% while training my main (haven't touched my Bye Bye Kanna in weeks).
    Fury totem price I agree with...not so sure on removal of the limit. As it stands, Fury solidifies the 2-PC Meta by its high price and low duration. If the duration were higher (Hell, offer a very rare perm Fury in some sort of Event such as Maplehood or one of those gift boxes would be interesting since it would be both reg and Reboot servers) and price lower...Fury would look appealing as a convenience item instead of getting a Kanna.
    Boss stones, limit can go. Its an issue that personally doesn't bother me either way it goes. 2x a day bosses...while was nice...its gone. Just gotta accept that.
    Kritias could use a revamp to just make it relevant, but Tyrant gloves themselves aren't great anymore

    I remeber that was my point " moving maps" and you kept arguing about it for days , Now you are agreeing about " moving maps" conspect
    How Are you talking about moving maps if players just make k anna suicide at lv 159 forever in byebye station ...
    so How "Meso penalty is there for the reason of getting players to MOVE maps" if you just going to make akanna and suicde there 24/7 and keep ur kanna there forever ..
    you are contradicting yourself because when i talked about Removing death penatly in low levels so players have to move on from maps ,and adding more ways to make mesos that doesnt; depends on a kanna , you argue'd with me for days ...

    "I make good mesos with just 40% while training my main (haven't touched my Bye Bye Kanna in weeks)"

    Why did you keep arguing with me on howmuch mesos kanna can make , if you don't even use one " in weeks" LOL

    I see alot of hypocrisy there ;)

  • OnceUponAtrollOnceUponAtroll
    Reactions: 355
    Posts: 21
    edited July 2019
    LancerZero wrote: »
    Nexon please get rid of the meso penalty so we can meso farm at Bye Bye with our main characters on Reboot and use a Fury totem or whatever.

    We shouldn't have to make a meso farmer to progress or even need a 2 PC meta which a toxic and stupid thing to even need in the first place to progress.

    Remove the meso penalty and reduce Fury Totem cost to 250 RP and no limit per month.

    Also remove limit on Boss Souls sold per week and allow you to run bosses 2 times per day and 2 times per week for weeklies.

    Kritas needs a revamp for Tyrant Gloves and other rewards as well with this change.

    This will solve the 2 PC meta and Kanna Farmer meta on reboot which is an annoying and bad game design meta.

    i 100% agree that they should remove exp/mesos penalty if they goign to allwo kanna farming anyways ..
    OR just remove kanna farming completly and add mroe ways to legit players to farm mesos w/e throw bossing/ mobbing ,etc

    Fury totem cost should be nerfed and if they realise how op "fury totem" is and dont; want anyoen to abuse it ...
    Then how they made class with a fur totem skill that the class can use 24/7 with no cost or cooldown .
    so i don't get how their brian's works ..

    i been talkign about removign bosslimit for Ages .. becuase it only effect legit players ..

    Yes,kritas need a rework , they could make it atleasy have % on dropping tryant gloves ..

    and the 2 pc meta is making that game unplayable ...
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited July 2019
    Uhm...well this is interesting of a post.
    Meso penalty is there for the reason of getting players to MOVE maps. If it weren't there, people would stay in some maps(Bye Bye in particular)...probably forever tbh. Unfortunately Bye Bye is already a top notch map :T Doesn't need to look even MORE appealing. This is a no for me.
    I'm personally not against meso farming, heck, I make good mesos with just 40% while training my main (haven't touched my Bye Bye Kanna in weeks).
    Fury totem price I agree with...not so sure on removal of the limit. As it stands, Fury solidifies the 2-PC Meta by its high price and low duration. If the duration were higher (Hell, offer a very rare perm Fury in some sort of Event such as Maplehood or one of those gift boxes would be interesting since it would be both reg and Reboot servers) and price lower...Fury would look appealing as a convenience item instead of getting a Kanna.
    Boss stones, limit can go. Its an issue that personally doesn't bother me either way it goes. 2x a day bosses...while was nice...its gone. Just gotta accept that.
    Kritias could use a revamp to just make it relevant, but Tyrant gloves themselves aren't great anymore

    I remeber that was my point " moving maps" and you kept arguing about it for days , Now you are agreeing about " moving maps" conspect
    How Are you talking about moving maps if players just make k anna suicide at lv 159 forever in byebye station ...
    so How "Meso penalty is there for the reason of getting players to MOVE maps" if you just going to make akanna and suicde there 24/7 and keep ur kanna there forever ..
    you are contradicting yourself because when i talked about Removing death penatly in low levels so players have to move on from maps ,and adding more ways to make mesos that doesnt; depends on a kanna , you argue'd with me for days ...

    "I make good mesos with just 40% while training my main (haven't touched my Bye Bye Kanna in weeks)"

    Why did you keep arguing with me on howmuch mesos kanna can make , if you don't even use one " in weeks" LOL

    I see alot of hypocrisy there ;)

    Also I fight for Kanna cuz its a starting point for new players. Unfortunately the issue of the EXP penalty goes FOR ALL CLASSES, not just Kanna.
  • BeefBeef
    Reactions: 2,560
    Posts: 219
    edited July 2019
    -2 PC meta is an issue? Just make a farmer Kanna. No one is forcing you to farm at efficient rates, you gotta fix that mentality. I manage to get to lucid ready before I ever started to farming on a Kanna, its slow but it's possible to progress without a 2nd pc. Slow progression is still progression.
    -Penalty exist as a deterrent to prevent people from camping Arcana at lv 255+
    -Fury totem sucks, the cost is too high, they don't last on the map like Frenzy.
    -Buff Kritias, too slow
  • SpairahSpairah
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 8
    edited July 2019
    I know arcane droplets drop regardless of level, but expecting someone to grind in Arcana at level 25x for them and receive reduced mesos is asinine, especially when mesos are the most important progression currency in reboot. What I'd like to see is either the meso penalty cap out at 250, or just have higher maps also drop the aforementioned droplets.
    Next, the 2 PC meta IS an issue, the "nobody is forcing you" argument is a cop-out, it is a generalized retort that carries no information; efficiency in reboot is paramount for mid-end game, no one wants to grind at 150m per hour. Slow progression is fine for people who wish to play for an hour a day and socialize, but for people that wish to enter late game and experience hard mode bosses, they are left 2 choices: second PC+kanna, or make a Kanna farmer. In the case of a Kanna farmer, people should not be forced into playing a single class to progress. Imagine a raiding MMO, where there are high dps check bosses, and one class deals double the damage of others, people would be forced to play that single class, otherwise be unable to experience the content.
    The solution to the 2 PC contention was released recently, the fury totem. Unfortunately, as many have stated, it is not feasible, too expensive, and not available in a high enough quantity to facilitate easier farming for non-Kannas. Nothing to say about Kritias, I never did that content lol.
    For the record, I too am lucid ready, maybe even more than ready (31k). I have no second PC, no Kanna farmer, and to go a step further, I never got a carry in CRA, damien, lotus and such. The fury totem lately has been a godsend, increasing my weekly meso from 1.5B to 5B. But I imagine if I had the ability to play with one since I started on reboot, I'd be soloing lucid already.

    Overall there were 2 things here, the 2 PC meta which has been beaten to death already, and the meso penalty, which mainly for me sucks because I am forced to either stay under 250 on the only 200+ character I have, or make a second character that I will not and do not enjoy playing.
    The purpose of a game ultimately is to enjoy it. I just wish I could grind 30mins to 1 hour on the character I chose from my first experience with reboot, take a small break, and repeat it a few times a day, something that the fury totem will not allow me to.
  • OnceUponAtrollOnceUponAtroll
    Reactions: 355
    Posts: 21
    edited July 2019
    Beef wrote: »
    -2 PC meta is an issue? Just make a farmer Kanna. No one is forcing you to farm at efficient rates, you gotta fix that mentality. I manage to get to lucid ready before I ever started to farming on a Kanna, its slow but it's possible to progress without a 2nd pc. Slow progression is still progression.
    -Penalty exist as a deterrent to prevent people from camping Arcana at lv 255+
    -Fury totem sucks, the cost is too high, they don't last on the map like Frenzy.
    -Buff Kritias, too slow

    buddy do you even understand what is 2 Pc meta is ?? , 2 Pc meta has nothing to do with making " farmer kanna" if you ever go Lv 220 + , the level become impossbile to level , So you realy need a kanna with you 24/7 , w/e you buy one or make one just to be there for you ..or just say goodbye to leveling .. that's why they increase exp from vl 200-220 and incomming patches in kms in 3 months they will increase exp from lv 220-230 by 25% ..
    that's what 2 pc meta means , it has nothing to do with ur " farmer kanna"

    Get ur facts striaght :)
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited July 2019
    Beef wrote: »
    -2 PC meta is an issue? Just make a farmer Kanna. No one is forcing you to farm at efficient rates, you gotta fix that mentality. I manage to get to lucid ready before I ever started to farming on a Kanna, its slow but it's possible to progress without a 2nd pc. Slow progression is still progression.
    -Penalty exist as a deterrent to prevent people from camping Arcana at lv 255+
    -Fury totem sucks, the cost is too high, they don't last on the map like Frenzy.
    -Buff Kritias, too slow

    buddy do you even understand what is 2 Pc meta is ?? , 2 Pc meta has nothing to do with making " farmer kanna" if you ever go Lv 220 + , the level become impossbile to level , So you realy need a kanna with you 24/7 , w/e you buy one or make one just to be there for you ..or just say goodbye to leveling .. that's why they increase exp from vl 200-220 and incomming patches in kms in 3 months they will increase exp from lv 220-230 by 25% ..
    that's what 2 pc meta means , it has nothing to do with ur " farmer kanna"

    Get ur facts striaght :)

    just fyi...they are DECREASING exp you need to level, not increasing it. And the thing I really wish people would get across is...ya don't have to follow meta.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited July 2019
    Beef wrote: »
    -2 PC meta is an issue? Just make a farmer Kanna. No one is forcing you to farm at efficient rates, you gotta fix that mentality. I manage to get to lucid ready before I ever started to farming on a Kanna, its slow but it's possible to progress without a 2nd pc. Slow progression is still progression.
    -Penalty exist as a deterrent to prevent people from camping Arcana at lv 255+
    -Fury totem sucks, the cost is too high, they don't last on the map like Frenzy.
    -Buff Kritias, too slow

    This is a ridiculous take for a number of reasons.

    You will of course aim to be as efficient as you can unless you like wasting your own time. The main complaint is that a second computer shouldn't be required for optimal rates. This is a very reasonable complaint.

    As for the penalties for being overleveled the problem here is similar to that of the 2pc meta. The new areas are garbage. Mainly because of no droplets and symbols. If these dropped there fewer people would care about being forced into areas your level.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited July 2019
    [...] if you ever go Lv 220 + , the level become impossbile to level[..]

    I'm over level 240 and I've never used Kanna. I barely even use EXP coupons.

  • OnceUponAtrollOnceUponAtroll
    Reactions: 355
    Posts: 21
    edited July 2019
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    Beef wrote: »
    -2 PC meta is an issue? Just make a farmer Kanna. No one is forcing you to farm at efficient rates, you gotta fix that mentality. I manage to get to lucid ready before I ever started to farming on a Kanna, its slow but it's possible to progress without a 2nd pc. Slow progression is still progression.
    -Penalty exist as a deterrent to prevent people from camping Arcana at lv 255+
    -Fury totem sucks, the cost is too high, they don't last on the map like Frenzy.
    -Buff Kritias, too slow

    buddy do you even understand what is 2 Pc meta is ?? , 2 Pc meta has nothing to do with making " farmer kanna" if you ever go Lv 220 + , the level become impossbile to level , So you realy need a kanna with you 24/7 , w/e you buy one or make one just to be there for you ..or just say goodbye to leveling .. that's why they increase exp from vl 200-220 and incomming patches in kms in 3 months they will increase exp from lv 220-230 by 25% ..
    that's what 2 pc meta means , it has nothing to do with ur " farmer kanna"

    Get ur facts striaght :)

    just fyi...they are DECREASING exp you need to level, not increasing it. And the thing I really wish people would get across is...ya don't have to follow meta.

    OK again , you are talking about something you don't realy know :) ...
    We got same patches as Kms that's why i know they gona increase lv 220-230 by 25% i know that already for a fact ..
    You can make a little effort and check "GLory patch"...
    And of course meta's effect you , Sooner or Later if you going to aim for End game , You going to Follow meta
    Just like having a kanna farmer to progress.

    PLease make Alittle Effort before you Reply to My Comments , You are just embarssing Yourself Everytime you reply to me ...

    I don't know if you have a crush on me or something But Please let it go :) ..
This discussion has been closed.