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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Remove Meso Penalty at higher levels
i don't know what that has to do with conversation that it's for fact hard to Level past lv 220 , That you need a 2 pc meta to progress faster ..
You forget to Add " how many Years you been playing that game to Your Reply"
No one ever said you can;t get exp without 2 pc meta , Why get 3% exp per 30 min if You can get like 30% with full exp pots , kishin ??
and level in years intead of leveling in some days .
Please, put some effort in replying so you won't look stoopid ..
And Before you reply with lies out of frustration , Put a screenshot of Your Frist medal , it has the date you created char in , smile in the picture and post It
exp req is 25% less at 220-235 bracket. Its easier to to adjust exp from levels than bumping every mobs exp up.
What? did you even Read what i typed ? xd
Decide where you stand on this issue first then post.
I know you literally have troll in your name, but please learn to spellcheck before you start insulting people.
As for character progress speed, here's some info about mine. Not that I owe it to you or anything.
I created my character during override, (I even have some of the coupons left over.) got to around level 210 iirc and stopped playing that character.
I came back to the character sometime early 2018 iirc, though I only did dailies without grinding.
After hitting 225 I actually cared somewhat about grind until I hit 235 and unlocked the rest of arcane river.
And now I'm back to just doing dailies and only grinding when I feel like it.
So in a span of 2 years (and one month) I went from 0 to 244 while being a casual tier scum.
This is reboot, so you can factor that in, but given that I don't even use EXP coupons 99% of the time, it probably balances out.
Edit: Since 2PC meta isn't even the topic of this thread, I should also mention that I've never farmed ByeBye or Singapore either.
You should take your own advice and "make a little effort and check" the patch notes. Don't be such an ass.
Sorry Frist of all my english isn't that good , i will take the F for this one
But what i meant is it going to be 25% easier to level My whole point they made Leveling easier because of "2 pc meta "
So leveling become easier for people who don't "2 pc meta " But that still so far from solving problem ..
I wasn't been an Ass to her , if you See everytime she replied to me , she replied with false information about everything , also on another post she did the same
Now that i read it agian i realise that we both meant same thing But my English was in the way
By the way , she can reply for herself , Not send another Whiteknight for reply for her .
Sounds like you're the one replying with "false information about everything". And instead of admitting you were mistaken, you've doubled down on being a snarky ass about things. It's not a good look, buddy.
And no one "sent" me to reply in their stead. No one needs me to reply to you for them. I've just been watching this thread, and seen your posts in other threads, and decided to hop in and say something.
Stop being an ass. You're not funny, you're not cool, and you certainly aren't being clever.
Sorry But you activited my Trap card and and you actually Proved my Point ...And yes Topic about "2 pc meta"
You been playing for 3 years on this charater with all events , 2x events every weak and so on ..
You just hit lv 244 on july 8th 2019 ...
Frist of all, if you are Fine with reaching lv 244 in 3 years then good for you ,You probably have time on ur hand which is " years" to waste to progress in the game
No body taking any achievements Away from you .. if you did it legit , no 2 pc meta , no kanna farmer all the Glory for you But you Do you ..
You can tell yourself everyday that you don;t need 2 pc meta or kanna's famer to progress ,i bet you are going to talk about it when you are a grandma too But not everybody can use all of that time or wait years to progress..
Now let me tell you What the Differnce and why 2 pc meta , kanna farming issue are realy important topics and realy effect game ..
1- That game is An MMorpg Whatever players can only do bosses with each other or sometimes party to level ,So W/e you like or not There si always a competetion between players to reach end game even if they effect each other or not ,, that's why they added ranked to game if it real ydoesnt; matter they won;t have added ranked.
2- 2 Pc Meta is A Way that all ranked players do or players that one day want to be ranked Does Because it's Alot easier way to Level up in a Heavy grind Feast game Because IT;s one of that old games that Require alot of farming/grinding
Now here is the problem Let's Say You can get at lv 220 15% in an hour with no exp pots
With 2 pc meta you can get like 40% per hour or even more
LEt's say you take about 7 hours to get to lv 221 but you can get it in only 2 hours and half using 2 pc meta
Not every one have 7 hours or mroe on their hand to waste just to get 1 level which will lead them to eithier ignore leveling at all and just slwo progress like 15% per week or something depends on the person playing
Or you can just use 2 pc meta and hard grind for 2 hours and get UR level ..
Now the problem alot of people abuse the 2 pc meta WHich is illegal by the way If you read Terms of service in Maplestory .. and they doing nothing about it
They doign nothing to stop it or to improve game play for other players so they stop abusing 2 pc meta
IN TOS You can't open 2 charaters at same time and it's bannable by the way but they can't ban people that abuse it or prevent it SO when legit players Hear that they can use 2 pc meta without getting banned they will use it becuase alot of people in their guild , in theri freind list which they compete with tell them it;s legit and not bannable
SO why go throw all the frustrating of leveling in Years if you can DO IT IN DAYS ..
3-Now kanna farming , have same effect like 2 Pc meta , you can Progress with doing ur daily bosses every day and doign ursus which is like 150 mil per day maybe more depends on bosses.
But you can do 750 mil " AS TO YOU PEOPLE KNOWLedge" per hour on a kanna ..
You going to tell me it;s a choice
BUt it isn't a choice there is a c lear diference in making 750 mil/hour or making 150mil Per day and you are limtied to it but you cant; suddenly repeat bosses or Repeat ursus cuz ti;sa limited to 1 time per day
So Agian you can get all ur gears maxed out in liek 1 -2 weeks or just take months or even years Just to achieve what a kanna farmer did in 2 weeks
SO THE ONLY choice you have is just to go blind and act like you are playing another game and turn a blind eye to 2 pc meta and kanna's farmer
And play ur own game AT ur own base but then you better Remove all ur freind list And stay guidless
And play the Solo MmoBox game you made for Yourself ..
WHen people can abuse this things and it;s open to other people to abuse it too THat's just bad Game desgin ANd Some of the player base should stop being stupid
And start actually to look for ways to make game better for everyone so No one would have to abuse Game which is bannable by the way According to their TOS ..
Thx for reading
You just Quoted The Sentence i Was wrong about and i just admitted to you i was wrong about So all you did was quote the thing i said i was wrong about and you started throwing false accustions around and insults ?
so How i'm wrong about everything ,tell me PLease? LOL
Dude , Are you stupid or something?
you have some Serious issues dude , Go solve them and come back maybe then you will stop being a little angry kid
Yeah, I'm not reading all that.
Maybe stop calling people stupid though, it's not a good way to make an argument and it's just plain rude.
I never recall calling you stupid tho ,
i Said some of player base should stop being stupid .
But you only read that so it's ok you probably won't understand what i was saying anyways ..
They all just delusional , And They think all player base have Years to progress on their hands Just becuase they are blessed with that much time " years" ..
so it's ok they won;t understand it anyways
They think achieveing something close to late mid game in liek 3 years + is ok ..
So no point in arguing with them.