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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
So I have a brilliant suggestion that we should allow Zero's in Reboot. I've been on and off maple for a while so I don't keep track with the forums, but why aren't Zero's allowed? I don't see any official threads or news sites that explains why they aren't allowed. There are a bunch of theoretical, hypothetical stuff created by other players that don't really explain anything. All I need is for someone to point me in the direction of a thread explaining why, or support the cause to add Zero's to Reboot. Cause honestly, I really want to main Zeros in REBOOT!!!
Unfortunately I have little hope that we will get Zero in Reboot :T...the reason Nexon tosses around is the weapon system.
Not really a brilliant or unique suggestion. And of the 288 results for the search criteria, probably a third or more of them go no further than "I want to main zero on reboot".
I don't get why the weapon system is the reason. It only goes up to unique as far as I know, and it takes a combination of mesos and weapon points to use it anyway so it's not exactly free upgrades. Hell, at this point I would prefer they just come out and outright say they don't want zero in reboot because they just don't. At least then I wouldn't feel like someone's blowing smoke up my ass over it.
And.... That's the third time...
Boy howdy it sure is! And I'd like to bring back what I posted on the subreddit from #2:
Also, insofar as the point of "oh zero's weapon scrolls don't work on reboot": potential scrolls work just fine on reboot.
And, realistically, if the "400 weapon points and 100k mesos to reroll zero's weapon potential" is so game-breakingly bad or whatever, just increase the meso cost to a few million or so. And, again, the weapon-points potential rerolling only goes up to unique, so people would still be beholden to meso farming and buying cubes to get to legendary, so it's a moot point as far as I"m concerned.
Heh, I said in my thread that the weapon potential thing would be a price raise. This is where I really don't see what the big problem is with giving us Zero :T
Savage ace already mentioned over and over that their weapon system isnt suitable for the reboot server and they havent come up with a way to fix this, and its not a priority for them
its just not permanent or that often
when there is get quick on play it while can then wait 24h or more to be able to get back on other chars
Now the reason why Zero as a whole works as an incentive to force players to use the regular server because if you want to play as every class and in the hopes that luring you on the regular server they hope you'll make a new character just to able to play as a zero and that you'll be temped to customize that character so that leads to an attachment to that character which then leads to be temped to keep that character and maybe then you'll try another on that same server because well I already have one character that looks cool plus I can make a zero on this server.
This is now where they have you in a trap because now you have characters on both reboot and a special limited character that is only playable on the standard server and you know that they hope that you will play and fund them both and the convenient ways of squeezing that little extra cash out of your wallet for that extra boost of power that can't be found on reboot but is on the regular servers is alluring enough to keep most coming and going.
I leave you with a quote from a certain guy says right before he gets killed by a raptor in Jurassic Park "Clever Girl".
Do u think they havent tried it test server? How can u blindly say they havent tried it without working there? Thats just an unfair accusation to nexon,u dont know if theyve tried it or not, dont blame them for stuff that u have no idea about.
And what makes you think they did? Why the big silence about the true reasons of keeping it away from reboot? Maybe they did test it out just like the kinesis with some blue potion to replenish PP... After almost 4 years, I think the time as come for some real answers from their side on THE question : "Is zero ever gonna make it to the reboot server or not? If not, why"
Yeah maybe it is the case, but I don't think people will play regular server just for Zero. People that I know choose reboot because they prefer the rules of the server rather than the rules on regular server (hate the scrolling and bpot on regular server) so even if zero is not on Reboot, we play reboot anyway. They never said from the start that Zero will never be release on Reboot either....
yes i'll just quit reboot to start over in a p2w server because a former OP class is 'too tempting'.....lmao
Is reboot in these regions is popular as it is here in Gms? I know reboot kms is dead and maybe that's why they don't do anything about zero in reboot.
I'm really not sure