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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I have done Lion King's Castle a lot of times and something thats bothering me is the monster placing. The first and second tower i have no problem with but the walkway to the third tower has blood reindeers that are never used for any quest since you get the same drops from normal Reindeers. The third tower key needs you to kill Bearwolf that are in the walkway to the fourth tower.... Doesn't make since to let you through just for the quest and not earier/later. I also don't like how the Grey Vultures and Bearwolfs have such low spawn rate, having to gather 100 pieces is time consuming enough. I would like the have this changed I like getting the Noble Ifas Ring for more characters. //Long time player
I think the ring is a good option on the early start and for the characters i don't use often its a solid choice. I would atleast keep the boss and ring in some way.
Well yeah but not everyone plays the same content, thats why they can do a fast re-code of the area so it looks better and more polished. Its unnecessary to have unpolished content.
They've done that for Omega Sector and similar things like it in the past. I think it'd be just easier and more efficient to just take the good bits and re-purpose them somewhere else than try to rebuild them from the ground up. But you know what they've also done, t
Yeh but my guess is that by polishing as u say something could make a bug somewhere else, and since is a content nearly no one does, they cant really bother much in changing it, theress way more important things that need fixing atm like skills causing dc, hackers, skills not working correctly,extreme lag, 2 pc meta etc