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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Closed Will we get Frenzy Totem back?
Will Frenzy Totems be returning to future Marvel Machines as well as Philosopher Books? It kind of shocks me how one of Nexon's biggest cash grabs stopped being a source of these broken, but desirable items. I was planning on going on a spree on books hoping i can snag something good, but now I am not so sure.
"Vote with your wallets"is always the big thing when it comes to nexon being sheisty about things. And without fail it always comes to a crashing, screeching halt as soon as they announce miracle time or some such. Normally I'd say "or marvel machine", but after they removed frenzy for zero communicated reason, I don't see people throwing nearly as much money at it as they once did going forward. But miracle time is always a case of people being incapable of throwing their money away fast enough.
I'm not going to hold my breath on getting a concrete reason out of nexon for why they're suddenly trying to curb the spread of frenzy totems, but it would sure be funny to watch them try and pass it off as server stability. And god help you idiots if you decide to start removing them from players. I won't sit here and speculate at the results of such a feat, but I can say with certainty it will not be pretty. Not for you, anyway.
That's what people said before singapore and malaysia were removed, before sengoku high disappeared never to be seen again, and before kishin got nerfed for reasons that are sketchy at best lmao
The benefit of the doubt has long since been worn out.
i cant see them perm removing the frenzy totems i mean its still one the high demand items....
singapore/malaysia i could see why thos were removed i mean drop wise they kinda lacked and tended to be most reported maps
wait sengoku high removed? wasnt it kinda a event was it confirmed to never return or is it just made rarer in terms of not tossing it up every other month?
People love permanent convenient things, Nexon loves money.
Personally I hope frenzy never comes back. It should never have come to begin with. And I would love to see the effect removed wholly from kishin, damn the mains and mules alike, and see the global spawn rate increased to near kishin-affected levels.
But SErVeR sTAbiLItY
Oh you mean the servers that continue to lag in spite of removing ten channels, kneecapping kishin to begin with and pulling frenzy from its two sources?
The day they change something that actually makes things better is the day I look at someone employed by nexon saying "server" and "stability" in the same sentence without the same disdain as something I've stepped in.
150% agree with u