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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Hello Nexon,
I wanted to give a suggestion of raising the auction slot cap to possibly 20. The current slot cap of 10 is not enough... the results of this is creating a long line of pending items that over encumbers a player's inventory or a player finding other means of getting rid of their items which 1) doesn't stimulate the Maple economy and 2) doesn't go to the hands of another Mapler who may need it. Ultimately, if we raise the cap in the auction house the effects can only be positive and players will see a lot more variety when shopping.

I did not know this. Well let's move everyone up by 10 then.
But thats no excuse. When we had free market
The cheapest shop had 18 items. With the bettter one being 24.
I think at the very least we should have had a comparable number. Give mvps more.
Nexon continues to gimp free to play players out pf things that should not have a paywall.
And i agree considering how quickly we accumulate items. (And i cant even imagine new players with significantly less slots)
I mean, you can't really accuse them of gimping free-to-play players out of things when everyone can use the auction house. Prior to it, you had to shell out money for nx(or a whopping two days per month via reward points) for a shop permit to sell anything. If anything, it's far better access to selling and buying than what was available previously.
Under the FM:
24 slots for a month = 20k nx
Under auction house:
20 slots for a month = 100k nx
It's no mystery what's going on here.
Fixed that for ya, bud. Don't sit there and act like the auction house is such a horrible change when it opened up buying and selling to everyone, regardless of how much, if any, nx they bought. And when I say "buying and selling", I mean "not getting ripped off by peoples' buy tabs". Also, your post completely disregards that the mvp system is more than just double auction house slots.
Here's a more accurate breakdown of your "information":
Free market:
Auction house:
bUT ThE aUCtIOn hOUsE iS BaD
Is it perfect? No. Did it open up market participation to the entire player base with zero upfront cost? Yes. The fact that you gain an extra ten slots from mvp is a secondary matter at best.
If you want to get into this. The extra auction house slots are the only real reason to get silver mvp.
Exp "weather" effect was removed from silver. I guess you can pay 200 or 300 per month to get these from gold and diamond though.
1.5x coupons are garbage when you can just buy enjoyable winters for next to nothing, or better yet use one of the very plentiful 2x buffs available in game.
Megaphones? Really people are paying 100/month for a slim chance of some daily megaphones? Ok sure.
Starforce discount is somewhat nice yes but it stops working at the high starforce where it's actually expensive.
bestthing from this suggestion nexon most like is willing to do is remove them from silver and add them back in diamond , suggestion like adding more slots,sellers name and other things that improve AH for maplers are seen and "ignored" while ago....Ps
FM compared to current AH its by far better in many ways from socialize to merching...
There is reason why servers use discord to sell items instead of
greatauction houseWe had 90days shop sold for reward points and other things
(Its not that AH cant be made to be better )
but oh well who cares for that unlikely for change or players to come back anyway...