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[REQUEST] special beauty coupon event
The last Special Beauty Coupon event was Feb 2017. And I was on a break from the game, so I missed it. But it's been almost **1.5 years** now... is the event gone for good?
We used to have it every few months. And it'd skyrocket my interest in the game. As someone who has played on and off since 2006, it's my favorite event they've ever had.
So where is it? Will it ever come back? I'm getting worried since it's been so long... and the Maplehood Watch event doesn't count, because you only hair from a small list of royal styles, rather than _any_ VIP/REG look like with the Special Beauty Coupons.
But at least the event is coming back!
It's because of how their expiration timer is set up, right? That they all expire at a certain time after they've been picked up? Would it do anything, you think, to change them to all have the same expiration date at the end of the event period?
Enough is enough, we want that coupon beauty as soon as possible please!
Enough is enough, we want that coupon beauty as soon as possible please!
Please make sure to follow the rules and respect others' opinions, thank you.
On top of that, you didn't seem to bother yourself too much with paying attention to anything that was already said before you posted, otherwise you'd have seen this: