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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Equipment Suggestions [Video Attached]
Any suggestions on what I should be pursuing would be much appreciated.
Unbuffed Range:
Buffed Range:
Also, I'd like to apologize in advance, up here above everything. I don't know how new to this game you are or aren't, so I'm wording everything under the assumption that you're fairly new to the game and, accordingly, you know jack squat.
Now then, to the fun!
That's just on your gear.
You didn't show them, but I'll touch on nodes since you appear to be a fresh 200. I won't go into extreme detail about nodes themselves since a lot is just kind of apparent.
So, for starters, colors you'll see in your v matrix:
Okay so now that that's out of the way. More starters! But only like one more thing. All nodestones are hard-capped at level 25. They will go no higher than 25 per nodestone. Because of this, you will need two different nodestones, in two different configurations that I'll explain in a moment, for your primary boost nodes. Now, when I say "two different configurations", all that really matters is that the first slot be a different skill on the two of them. As a night lord, you want two nodes with two different combinations of quad star/showdown/assassin's mark. When you look at a boost node, you see a part of the icon for the three different skills it provides a boost to, they're separated by what looks like a Y. The skill shown on the bottom left is considered the primary skill for purposes of duplicate nodes. And again, you can have any combination of the aforementioned three skills, so long as you have two boost nodes with those three skills only in two different configurations.
Final note, matrix points.
Okay, I'm pretty sure that's everything I can think of for the moment. If anything I said wasn't clear(which is bound to happen because I ramble), feel free to let me know.
Edit: added a note about totems as well as how and where to get absolab gear
you can get nice range boost by maximizing your set effects
superior gollux set (2x pendent) so you can use another belt
tyrant cape/gloves/boots/belt as pretty much no matter how you go about them they add huge range up
and from looks of it its reboot server
so carries for tyrant are rare but shouldn't be that hard to find alternatively you could go for the lower tier of superior gear for a nice boost (superior gollux carries are nice to)
as for rest of rings farm gollux tokens with last daily entry the kill and literally scroll tiers of rings going from highest to lowest
badge i want to say ghost ship exorcist (but as we cant get thos anymore no clue...
but yea strongly recommend trying your hand at having someone carrie you for superior gollux items and tyrant
or trying your hand at easy magnus for the other superior gear
Had you watched his video, you would see that he has them.
There's no point or purpose in telling someone how they can get something that they already have.
Couple follow up inquiries:
How do I get better access to potential scrolls? I know there are the ones provided by MuLung Dojo, but takes quite a bit of points to get one.
I heard there was a questline that unlocks potential scrolls for sale; do you happen to know which questline that is?
Also, bonus potential? How do I get in on that action?
Is there a consistent way to get these cubes?
I knew that'd be a trigger point; lmao. I have 150 gollux coins, so after I do him today I will replace that ring with a superior.
Thank you for info on the nodes! It seems really difficult to find any up to date info. One issue I'm having is that I can't seem to figure out how to switch nodes out. For example, I have the 4 nodes on top "active". How do I replace one of these 4 active nodes with another one?
There may be more than this, but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.
Bonus potential does not exist on reboot. So while you're losing out on some extra stats, you're also being saved basically having to go through the whole "cubing an item" process twice per item.
You're on reboot, you can buy craftsman cubes(and silver potential stamps) from the potion shop in most towns.
Good to hear. Just remember that it's one buy per character. And you're on reboot, so if you blow that ring up or in any way lose it, you're screwed. Yes it's stupid, yes people have been making a stink about it since reboot day one(December 2015), no nexon hasn't decided to do anything about it.
Sounds like maybe you were trying to do it through the node master npc's UI? What you actually do is open your skill window, go all the way to the last tab(marked as V), click the big blue "v matrix" button at the top. From here you can double click nodes to equip or remove them, as well as unlock up to two extra slots with mesos and distribute matrix points as I mentioned in my other post.
To explain the two slots thing in case you don't know. I'm going to assume you're at 205 by now. You unlock a new nodestone slot every five levels, so your next two will be at 210 and 215. You also have the choice to spend mesos to unlock the next two nodestone slots from wherever you are. So if you're at 205, you can pay to unlock the 210 and 215 slots, and once you hit 210 you'll still have the 215 slot unlocked but you'll also be able to unlock your 220 slot. And so on and so forth.
Another point on nodes, your ideal boost node is, as I said, any two configurations of quad star, showdown and assassin's mark. Past that, it's up to your own discretion. You'll want your three job-specific skills to be sure, but you may also want last resort at some point(Has two stages, press the skill key again while the buff is active to hit stage 2, tooltip can explain better). Alongside that, I would recommend decent sharp eyes and decent speed infusion for, respectively, 10% crit rate/8% crit damage and an extra attack speed boost(I believe it's one attack speed level, same as green monster park potion). There's also decent holy symbol which, at its base level, gives an extra 20% exp and I think like 10% drop rate. You may also want shadow walker for another source of burst damage at some point too. Don't bother with venom burst, it's not worth it.
skill tab -> 5th job tab -> v matrix
So I went and grabbed all the cards except for these last 2. I see something about doing a PQ (as you alluded to) in order to get these last cards.
Do I need to be able to get into that portal to do the PQ? If so, how do I get to it?
I figure the Soaring Skill is required here; and while I've paid 50 mill mesos for it, I don't actually have the skill. What do I need to do next in this situation? The goal is to complete the Leafre Set.