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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I don't understand the equipment drop mechanics.
So. Whenever I look at "where to drop level xx items" threads on reddit, here or on sites like Hidden-street everyone says "just fight mobs of your level".
Now. If I drop monster cards and look at them, every mob has a set of specific equipment items it drops. And usually these ain't his or my level. Almost all 90-110 mobs drop lvl 70 gear exclusively. And everything above 110 drops 110 items.
Now I fought a while in Ellin Forest and got a lot of 100 equipment from 95-100 mobs which were not on their monster card.
So. Do I get this right? Every mob has a set of items only he drops, but all mobs drop on-level equipment additionally to their personal drops?
So "Fight mobs at your level" is actually the way to go?
This is just a relic of the past that Nexon has yet to correct. If your group of mobs isn't dropping the gear you need for mules/new characters, either tough it out until the next 10 level range or change locations.
So on-level is a thing to go, but when I need something specific, the "old" drop cards are a good guide?
If you need something specific, either ask people who take notes of those things or just use memory/grind around.
The cards aren't really accurate at all to what stuff drops what.