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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
game dc after character selection
after this update, game just dc after character selection, the screen will freeze for 10 secs but i can hear the game sound and then it will return to the desktop.
Actually i thought that steam maaaaybe was better than the launcher, I was thinking about uninstalling and trying steam. Good thing I didn't!
I tried just a few things because I was pretty sure the problem was the update, fortunately they're doing the maintenance. Hope it fixes the problem!
We are having exactly the same problems =S. Except that it's still sooo difficult for me to enter the game.
It's happening when I'm selecting character and dc. I keep try again and again. It's still the same and I think maple story need to put the loading back before it must better this one.
cuz I like the loading before and I don't like the loading mushroom jumping.
I have the same problem, it is difficult to enter the game. I hope nexon mentions something about it
I've tried in my desktop and a laptop.
Currently I don't have that much time to be back and forth with tickets and trying things, but if someone finds out what the problem is and what we can do about it PLEASE tell us.
I'm not sure if this will help everyone, but I had the same issue and ended up having to go into my firewall and manually allow maplestory through it. If you're on windows, it's start->control panel->system and security->allow an app through windows firewall. You have to go search for it and add it to the list.
Hope this helps!!!