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Last Active
November 16, 1990
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About Me


  • Aggraphine completed the Fourth Year assignment.
    You have been a registered member for four whole years!
    September 2020
  • Nawaf
    Chill, I am sure MapleStory has great team-support.
    May 2020
  • StayGold
    April 2020
    • StayGold
      No one cares, broh.
    • Aggraphine
      You cared enough to screenshot it, upload it, and(unsuccessfully) post it on here. So it looks like at least one person cares here, fuckboy.
  • Savvy64
    Hello you may not remember this is just a message to get your attention on a post from a while back here is the link
    October 2019
  • Aggraphine completed the Third Year assignment.
    You have been a registered member for three whole years!
    September 2019
  • Aggraphine completed the VERY Opinionated (Level 6) assignment.
    Another day, another comment, another badge. 2,500 comments to be precise.
    August 2019
  • Darie014
    hey sir im from bera darie 014 is my name i hope tto see you soon whats your character ingame name what time of the day do you play im from SEA
    February 2019
  • Aggraphine completed the Second Year assignment.
    You have been a registered member for two whole years!
    September 2018
  • Aggraphine completed the First Year assignment.
    You have been a registered member for an entire year!
    July 2018
  • Gargula
    hellye boi
    May 2017
  • Dark20
    You finally got banned? Ha, I wouldn't care if I got banned. What did you do?
    May 2017
  • StayGold
    Ha! Are you really banned? Lol, I knew this day would come. HAHAHAHA!!
    April 2017
  • You’re practically family, especially if that family has 1,000 members.
    February 2017
  • Aggraphine earned the Happy Birthday! badge.
    It's your birthday! We got you this badge! Also, if this is January 1st, Happy Birthday to 93% of you!
    November 2016
  • Ravane
    Dear Aggraphine,

    Exams for the semester is over, and I've just got back into the game. Realised the name change has been implemented, and was in happiness. Thought it would be proper to leave a comment expressing gratitude on a particular post that I have commented before the exams, regarding my disappointment on a delayed purchase.

    Thank you so much for expressing your worry, I hadn't thought of getting a refund of the actual money charged for the 10,000 NX, rather just the NX itself. That way I could spend it on something else in the game, if implementation of said service cannot be fulfilled. You have brought up an interesting fact that I was not aware of (i.e. what it means to make a chargeback), so I thank you for the additional knowledge. I shall consider such implication in the future, wherever relevant.


    P.s. With reference to http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/3483/character-name-change-issues/
    November 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Post Count Level 4 badge.
    With 500 comments under your belt you definitely have something to say.
    November 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Insightful Level 1 badge.
    You received 5 Insightful votes. You have interesting facts to share.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Post Count Level 3 badge.
    Getting this far requires gumption, something you have in spades. 100 spades to be exact.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Profiler badge.
    You've filled out every section on your profile. Let's see what we can learn
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Liked Elsewhere badge.
    You've linked your Facebook account to your forum account.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Post Count Level 2 badge.
    You have shared your opinion 25 times. Let's hope they weren't just cat memes.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the First Like! badge.
    You earned your first like! Keep it up!
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the I wonder... badge.
    You used the search bar! No seriously, so many folks never even look there that it's worth having a badge just for this.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Called them out badge.
    You've tagged another forum member by putting "@" in front of their name.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Shhhhh badge.
    You've sent a private message. Make sure to check your inbox for new messages!
    September 2016
  • Invulgo
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Pollster badge.
    You've created a poll! Let's see what the results will be
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the Something to Show badge.
    You've added an image or video to a forum post. We hope it was a funny GIF.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the I Voted! badge.
    You had a hard decision to make, but you did it. Well done.
    September 2016
  • Aggraphine earned the First! (Level 1) badge.
    You made your first post in the forum!
    September 2016