I may not be the most evil. I may not have the most tragic of backstories. I simply know which side is the right side to fight in, and in this war, it is clear that Black Mage, the magnicent one, is the correct side to take. The objectively good guy…
Why don't we also
1. Remove all non-kms equips like SWs, gollux, outlaw hearts, battleroids, totems, sengoku and ghost ship exorcist badge, and the like? Because you know, game balance. We should all just have the exact same best in slot and styl…
LUL Nexon NA doesn't determine buffs and nerfs, no point asking here. Blaster, xenon, DB, NL changes all copypasted from KMS, nerfs and buffs are dependant on the KMS devs based on the people there. Kanna and Hayato nerfs/buffs don't come from GMS e…