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  • Black Mage Legion Application - Contest

    I may not be the most evil. I may not have the most tragic of backstories. I simply know which side is the right side to fight in, and in this war, it is clear that Black Mage, the magnicent one, is the correct side to take. The objectively good guys. The Black Mage truly is the one that cares about you. The Maple Alliance? The Resistance? The 6 heroes? Absolute garbage. They do not care about you. He does. He knows who is the best for you. He is truly the one to follow.
    Some may call me delusional. Some may call me crazy. They don't know better. I know I'm right, and that's all that matters. I couldn't care less about what these idiots have to say. If those idiots want to perish in the hands of the Great One, then let them be. They will be proven wrong, and I will laugh at their ignorance.
    My name is June, and let me preach to you the good news and the gospel of the Black Mage, our glorious leader and the true savior of Maple World.

    Let's look back in the events of Maple World over the past few centuries. Let's see exactly why the Maple Alliance are the evil ones, and why the Great One is not only the lesser evil, but in fact, the Greatest Leader, the Greatest Thinker, and the most generous giver of them all. He should choose me to serve Him because I know the truth. I can see the reasons behind His acts. I know for sure that He is the good guy and I understand Him, and I know that serving Him is the path to salvation. His actions are logical to the salvation of Maple World, even if it means destroying it and starting anew.

    1. The Generous One
    Let's look at the so called "good guys" of Maple World. The one that calls themselves the alliance, the ones that dare to oppose Him. What do they give you for joining their forces? A measly +5 magic/weapon attack passively and a +500 max H/MP medal. Now, let us look at the Black Mage. The one that is painted as being "evil." His endless generosity knows no bounds. For simply swearing your loyalty to Him alone, He grants you immortality and grants you immeasurable powers. Not only that, but He grants you any wish you want; even a lowly human who He met for the first time, who claimed he wanted to be a commander, was granted absolute powers over the entire Mirror World. To Von Leon He granted revenge, to Hilla He granted eternal youth and beauty, to Orchid and Lotus He granted a human body. He isn't even picky about who can serve Him. A very rude commander such as Damien, a traitorous one like Magnus and a selfish one like Arkarium, He treats them all equally and gives all of them wha they desire. Truly, is He not the most generous giver and greatest leader? And yet the Maple Alliance has the audacity to call themselves the "good guys."

    2. The Caring One
    Many years ago, there was a major change to the geography of Maple World. This event was known as the Big Bang. Many old locations were gone, and pathways have changed. New roads have been made, old roads have been destroyed. Many paint this as an act of evil. Calling it dangerously different. Using it as an excuse to recruit unknowing people to their evil cause. The reality? Victoria Island became safer than ever. Moving around the island became a lot easier, and with the newly formed Six Path Crossway and the Dimension Gate being opened, worldwide and dimensional travel was made easier than ever. And yet people still try to justify this as an act of evil. Not only this, but with the completion of the Kerning Square, reopening of Omega Sector after being sealed away by His powers, his commanders making places such as Henesys Ruins, Twilight Perion, Scrapyard and the Dark World tree, as well as Him opening the doors to the Arcane River, training to become stronger have become easier than ever. Were these all truly acts of evil? Or is this the miraculous acts of a caring leader wanting to strengthen the inhabitants of Maple World?

    3. The Merciful One
    During the Black Heaven incident, the Ace of the Alliance was treated as a traitor and forced out by the very Alliance they served and worked under. The so called Opposer of Fate, the so called Ace of the Alliance. Over what? A mere misunderstanding. One simple misunderstanding caused their strongest and most reliable member to be treated as garbage. How about the Black Mage? Demon Slayer, who betrayed Him, broke His protective barrier and tried to kill Him over a misunderstanding, was not killed but was simply knocked out. He fought back as self defence, but out of mercy he was not killed, and his body was laid comfortably by His side. Even someone as traitorous as Magnus, He cares for. Even when Hilla lost the ancient city of Azwan, Will fails to stop the awakening of Zero, the transcendent of time, Orchid lazes around after creating a group, Demon Slayer betrays him, HE DOES NOT KILL. There are many, many more times His commanders mess up and fails His missions, and each time, the Black Mage forgives them. Even Arkarium, who has acted to his own benefit multiple times and lost his body multiple times, was given many chances by Him, until eventually being made to take a rest in the events of Morass as his selfish acts were starting to get in the way. Not just the commanders, but when a measly explorer walks up to Him, talking about how they'll seal Him away again, the Black Mage has the patience and mercy to engage in conversation and even offer a position to serve Him, despite the explorer trying to seal him away. He could have easily blown away the measly explorer. Who is the better leader to serve here? The Maple Alliance, who forces their most loyal member to exile over minor misunderstandings, or the one of infinite mercy?

    4. The Savior of Maple World
    Hundreds of years ago, right before He awakened and fell from the White Mage to become the Black Mage, He came across the true evil of the Maple World, the Overseer. The self proclaimed "balance" and "law." When looking back at His past, from Black Mage: Origin or the Grand Athenaeum in the perspective of the mercenery, there is a clear moment when He shifts from the White to the Black Mage. Not because corruption over absolute power, but after being faced with the Overseer. Now, let's ask ourselves a question here. Did His motivations truly change? Was His "corruption" real? No. His goal, from the beginning to end, was for the good of Maple World and its inhabitants. The only way to do so was to create a new world without any corrupt beings in power, a world with no Overseers or Transcendents, and He only realized this after being face-to-face with the Overseer, the true evil of Maple World. Ultimately, the so called "evil" act of destroying and recreating a new world is in fact, the only way to save Maple World. And yet, the Maple Alliance, with their false media and lying propaganda, try to paint the Great One as being evil. These people have the audacity to state they're the saviors of Maple World, when they are not doing any good for it. We MUST support the actions of the Black Mage. He is the only path to salvation. He must destroy this establishment of selfish Overseers and lazy Transcendents in order to create His new world.

    Are these not enough reasons to join him? Are these not enough evidence to show that in fact, the Black Mage is truly the good guy and we must support Him? Anyone who fails to see so is a blind idiot and a sheep falling to the lies of the Empress Cygnus. There are still many, many more reasons to serve Him over the alliance. He does not discriminate against species. He cares about nature and the environment, evident when helping Ephinia, the queen of fairies.

    Ultimately, it is still His choice. It is His choice to accept me or not, but I believe in His infinite mercy and patience. I understand Him. I respect Him. I worship Him. If he can let someone as rude and disrespectful as Damien, someone as disloyal and untrustworthy as Magnus and someone as selfish as Arkarium can be His commanders, so can I. What sort of powers do I have to offer for Him? Well, I have the powers of music. I can draw people, coerce people, convince people and even hypnotize people with my melodic powers. Causing confusion, creating illusions, disorienting the listener. Strengthening my allies, weakening the enemy. With the powers of music, the possibilities are truly endless. Healing myself and others while paralyzing the enemy with deafening noise. Music is the only thing that I have left, through the tough times, times of loneliness, music is the only thing that kept me going. Music helps me forget the pain. Music helps me remember my goal. Music is my greatest power, attacking, weakening, strengthening. Please let me serve you, o Great One. Please let me serve you with my powers and knowledge. You are the only one that I have to live for. Please let me serve you. I promise I can be useful. Please do not abandon me like everyone else did. I know that You can see the use in my powers. I can be useful.
  • Lower attack speed cap to the same as KMS has

    Why don't we also

    1. Remove all non-kms equips like SWs, gollux, outlaw hearts, battleroids, totems, sengoku and ghost ship exorcist badge, and the like? Because you know, game balance. We should all just have the exact same best in slot and style as KMS.
    2. Remove all non-kms content? Remove gachapon and marvel machine while we're at it.
    3. Remove tier 4 potential tiers on Lv.151+ items? You know, for the sake of game balance.
    4. Remove 2nd golden hammer slot. No other MapleStory versions have 2 golden hammers.
    5. For the sake of people who argues against it, allow real money trading and account sharing? Since KMS allows it and is completely fine with it, GMS should change their Terms of Service to follow exactly how KMS follows it.
    6. But you know, this game wouldn't be fair to the people that funded then. Too much losses. Instead we should introduce the Masterpiece system into GMS so people can work on getting stats on Master Label nx sets, that will certainly make up for the losses.

    I'm not sure if you want GMS to be an exact carbon copy of KMS or what, but this is something that's unnecessary if you're going to be nitpicking about something like attack speed.