Eventually there is going to a be a world merge. So it will become one of the two worlds anyways.
Source: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/48198/updated-may-17-maple-memo-v204-status-update-may-17
During the Q&A session on stage last Satu…
I was training on my level 221 NL coaching my lv164 Illium and it took about 30mins to gain 90% exp on the trainee. It's not super fast but provides a little bonus. It doesn't stack with xp buffs like holy symbol etc
I had the same issue, this is how I resolved it:
1. Close all nexon programs
2. Update the launcher by opening nexon_launcher.exe
3. Default path is > C:\Program Files (x86)\Nexon\Nexon Launcher
3. Wait for the launcher to update to 100%
Is there a list anywhere to show which items behave differently when being flamed ? It's hard to keep track what stats one item will get over another whilst using the same flame.
And if you were buying a Scarlet Shoulder for the intentions of flaming it, you can't tell if it's a new or old one. I think they should make them all the same.
DarkPassenger wrote: »
I do agree that Savage Ace's first memo that introduced the bonus stats and flames should have specifically detailed this; about gollux equips and sweet water ( Zero is another issue), if in fact they are working as intended…
I think they aren't debating about which version are better
Argent wrote: »
Since the items being affected by this flaming issue are strictly non-KMS equips, players are perceiving this as a slight against GMS. That there is some bias that since…
Neospector wrote: »
This thread was made to accept two choices, that it was intentional, or that it wasn't intentional. The official memo says it was intentional, so that's what we got. We can work with the results we have, but sitting around shou…
What seriously? Why do flames behave differently on certain equipment than others, that doesn't really make sense. On KMS these powerful and eternal flames still applied a minimum tier of 4 bonus stats regardless of the item set be it fafnir, or mei…
When will this be fixed? Non KMS items make up a big proportion of end game items e.g. superior gollux eqps, sweetwater, arcane etc therefore this bug does have a sizable impact on the game and the flame system in general. It has been a couple of we…