Well, it's easy to say players stopped playing the game because their servers are empty, but just what if people stopped playing because they moved on? These things happen, regardless, maplestory will sustain with the playerbase it has now, as long as people keep buying premium styles, royals, marvel and the like; revenue is revenue.
Theres already a huge thread about this topic. and it too died down. meaning everyone has already said their peace on it. One more person saying they want a server merge wouldn't constitute a need to necro post. Nexon is already aware some of you guys want one.
It was addressed, whether you like the response they gave or not, they already responded, Arwoo relayed Nexon's message that theyre discussing how to approach this.
This suggestion, because it's all it is, a suggestion, isn't what keeps the forums alive.
marvel def marvel or philo book. if you got big bucks like mapler pros u can invest in nx got get it
there was an actual black Friday sale where the boxes had battle roids and outlaw hearts, that's OPs question, when the sale will return, theyre not asking where they can get a battle roid or heart