"On AKradian note - I believe that community is pretty vocal about this person. Way too many flaws as for a VFM. Nobody has to be perfect but number of times when he broke rules, the same rules he bans and mutes others for is disturbing. Reminds me …
The discord server is seemingly only moderated by one moderator; AKradian. The other mods are either never active, don't moderate or are selective in how and who they moderate. For example, Neospector is selective in who he punishes, and it seems li…
dont necropost a thread, been a year since this thread was commented on.
second, there will be some type of merge in coming month(s). no need to even say anymore.
like i said even the ones that come in gaming equipment arent allowed
Using any hacks, cracks, bots, or third-party software that may modify, temporarily or permanently, the code or the user experience of the Services, wheth…
you cant use any type of macro in game that isnt part of the skill tab. using third party macro software or the ones that come with gaming mouse/keyboard are also not allowed
probably has to do with how the exp is gained on the character being trained, as you have to log in to recieve the exp, but that isn't a very good reason? I did hear from others that they cant train their burning character like that
Do you have repeated characters? I am at max capacity with all characters and I have 2 extra slots, one being the placeholder/ign holder for pathfinder and the other is my pb slot
https://steamcommunity.com/app/216150/discussions/0/541906348052014384/ idk if i can post this link since it's to a diff forum but people have been asking about it for a while
this one is from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/…
Aggraphine wrote: »
DarkPassenger wrote: »
I think it's the same person that made 2 forum accounts. same name
OP's account was made May 10th, the other one November 2017
oh, just figured since theyre both named enrique. Guess i was wrong
There are a lot of these, these aren't players ( like human people at their computers) these are bots, controlled by a program in computer part of a network. if you got banned for something you can appeal with customer support.
If you use a vpn t…