Game crashes whenever it gets to the region selection. People on reddit also confirm this. Damn, I was hoping the game would be up long before 7pm my time when the day resets because I forgot to use my Reward Points last night because of the stupid decision to make the game based off UTC.
Also these forums are slow as hell now. Took about 5 minutes just to load this page and another minute to make an edit.
Not like rankings really matter anymore. Those top 5 spots are never changing and almost 100 people are at 250. Aside that, I do wish they'd take more actions on the very obvious (and not so obvious) hackers.
I saw the boards this morning near 7am Eastern and there were already like 600+ threads from the bots. That's a good example of why new accounts should be limited on how many new threads and how many posts can be made per day. There's another example I could make that happened on the old forums but it's extremely unpleasant to even talk about, but it did involve a person imitating well known users to trick others into clicking their threads.
If you haven't noticed, when re ading skill descriptions or the d escriptions of items, or really j ust any flavor text in-game, you 'll notice that words are no long er properly spaced out. It's quit e annoying when you're trying t o read just about anything to ge t a proper understanding of wha t's actually being described. I thi nk that this picture speaks for it self.
I'm surprised that this isn't a com plaint from more players, but is s omething that should be address ed and fixed soon.