can confirm the summons cant be canceled when being right-clicked
been through the same with the bonus stage after lucid on my kanna... had no idea I couldn't cancel it.
rip box.
to make the long story short, just block outgoing traffic to IP : in your firewall. it will terminate all the connection with the new chat channel (which is fking the connection of maple causing it to spike lag every second)
Steps: 1- search for "CMD" 2- Right-click 3- Run As Administrator 4- copy this command "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="MaplestoryFix" protocol=TCP dir=out action=block remoteip=" 5- paste it inside the black screen (command prompt) by right-clicking > paste (CTRL+V doesnt work in CMD, you have to right-click paste it) 6- click enter 7- "OK" sign should show up after entering the command successfully 8- enjoy the lag-free till nexon gets their shet fixed which will never happen ... F7 .. fked up support srsly.