The roids are pretty but they don't have a shop function. I suck at Jump Quests especially with lag and dcs.
These past few events have been depressing. This roid one by far is the worst.
I focused on parts of the museum that I wanted. The dmg skin and the inventory spaces and I used alts to farm the elite boxes because before the patch, only auto attacks work and low levels did fine. But even after the patch where skills hit, I did better with box farming on the alts because elites spawned faster.
I didn't finish but it's nice to see that people were able to. I also didn't finish the balloon event because of poor planning. Oh well. The amount of events felt a little overwhelming but free stuff is always nice.
It popped up three times in rapid succession when I logged out. I also get it whenever I switch characters. Shutting down doesn't help because it was doing this yesterday to me too.
The Teeny White Monkey Attendance thing says it starts today but I don't see it in the Event Star.
These last few events were a little depressing. I couldn't do the Maple Rain, the Maple Museum is enormous, the attendance didn't have an extra day, I haven't seen a single Franken in the towns, I can't kill the Frakens outside of town, and I can't complete the achievement box either.
Dare I say, these events haven't been fun.