So basically you're saying Nexon should now accommodate each individual's circumstance. Okay, wait, let me message Nexon and tell them to not do any event during December cause students usually have finals around then. Or put off the New Year's Countdown shop 1 day cause most people will be celebrating with their families.
Like I said, people shouldn't plan on trying to "clutch" finish events on the last day. Not saying Nexon's being all "hunky dori" by not posting maintenance notice earlier, but the fact most people are complaining and want 24 more hours for the 4 hours they took from the last day seems a bit asking for too much because they knew they weren't going to make it and just are trying to take advantage of it.
Lol, yes, some people's lives don't revolve around the game, but pretty sure most the people complaining are people who want rewards without having to put in the proper effort. Most of the time, the people I notice who ask for event extensions are the same people over and over again, the ones who don't bother properly pacing the event out and don't plan for any leeway and then when they can they just blame Nexon for something and complain for an extension.
No, so are you claiming it takes "24 hours of training a day" to finish this event? Then this event was truly for people with no lives.
I said, "Planning to make do a 'clutch' 200 on the last day just looks like poor planning/laziness to me". I don't how you or the other people who got jipped because of this maintenance go about scheduling long term plans/projects, but pretty sure planning on a full day's of work on the last day with minimal leeway is rarely a good idea in real life.
MageOfBattles wrote: »I found the breakthrough event pretty easy. And I even clutched it the last day. I will say that it was unfortunate that Nexon didn't reveal the 200 event for Cadena and Illium, but even I knew that it was silly to try finishing the event on the last day. Not to mention there's always maintenances on Wednesday. I personally find it hard to believe that you didn't have enough time throughout the entire course of the event. Even just an hour or two a day could get you to 200, and if you didn't have enough time to do that, I'm not sure why you attempted it in the first place.
Personally don't think Nexon should have to extend (and yes, I'm not someone who did Breakthrough so hold my opinion against me if you want). An update preview was released and with all the new events that start today, it should have been expected that they'd have at least some maintenance. Planning to make do a "clutch" 200 on the last day just looks like poor planning/laziness to me.