Yeah, that's a straight up lie. They do not check the forums whatsoever (at least no one dealing with account-related matters). Your best bet is live support, but I'm just gonna let you know now you have a 0.00001% chance of getting those symbols back. Nexon is not able to do anything remotely useful for their playerbase, so expecting them to fix this is far too much. =(
"expecting them to fix this"?
Fix what? How is this Nexon's fault, that they need to fix?
I already asked for something like this some time ago, i was expecting the community to defend it but for some weird reason they didnt.
I support u man, i like to play more than 1 char but atarting arcane river dailies all over again is super annoying and frustrating.
Aggraphine wrote: »I've never done spirit savior at all, just seems like too goddamn much work for what like three symbols per day if you do well enough?
SavageAce wrote:Decreased Cubic Blade, Cubic Chaos Blade, and Flame drops
In our patch notes, we mentioned that the Cubic Blade and Cubic Chaos Blade drop rates were increased. However, we realize the wording of this change may have been incorrect. The change we intended to make was to increase the total amount of Cubic Blade, Cubic Chaos Blade, Unrelenting Flame, and Forever Unrelenting Flame drops. However, we discovered an issue in which this change was not being applied during certain times of the day. We made a change in yesterday’s June 20 maintenance so that these increased drops will be applied more evenly throughout the day. We will amend our patch notes to clarify this change.