Short description of what your character is wearing:
Metal Pink Baseball Cap
Rainbow Face Paint
Charming Baby
Golf Skirt (Female)
Yellow Chick Shoes (F)
Hot Pink Backpack
Sunny Day
What look you're going for (theme): Ooooh my gosh, summer's almost over already? What do you mean it's almost time to hit the books again?! UGH. Is there really anything more terribly DREADFUL as going back to school? C'mon, hurry! You might have time for one more summer adventure! With a trusty backpack filled with snacks and cool beverages to keep you hydrated and energized in the relentless summer heat, it's off to the nearest amusement park with you. Surrounded by the brightest colors, sweetest treats, and awesomest rides, you might just forget... wait, what were we trying to forget again? Oh, who cares! Let's just have fun!
Hold on, I remember now: don't forget to pack sunscreen!
Short description of what your character is wearing:
Red Panda Ears
Freckles (Female)
Transparent Eye Accessory
Orange Checked Squares ( Female)
Hula Hula Beaded Anklet
Transparent Gloves
Red Panda Tail
Puppy Pal Weapon (Brown)
What look you're going for (theme):
"Beast Tamer? ... Oh yeah, Chase! Of course, we know her! She hasn't really been around lately, but there maaaay be some rumors that she's going to come back SUPER soon. I'm so excited! I guess you could say I look up to her just a teeny tiny wee bit... but if you so happen to see her before I do, don't tell her I said that! Ahh! It's so embarrassing. Promise your lips are sealed!" Pillbug leans in, eyes bright with admiration, and whispers, "But it's so FUN to play pretend! Just gotta be careful for those big bad wolves outside Arboren. Eek! ... Well, Haku's been a pretty good sport so far, but I really do think it's about time Chase came back. I'm not too sure how much longer he's willing to indulge me, hehehe."