I'm going to cut to the chase here and risk being banned from the forum. It's a dying game. There's not many new users coming to Maplestory so why make lots of changes to global that cost … (more)a lot of money and time? When enough of the whale players finally move on or spend themselves into the poor house: it's over. I've known this truth since the game became pay to win years ago and everything in the CS is so wildly overpriced. It's a game that is clearly on the rapid decline as far as people playing it so they are going to use the most cost effective measures to get what money they can before it stops becoming a game you can play all over the world and just reverts to an offering in Asian countries only. (less)
Tsk, tsk.... don't tell the truth about unkept promises like this here. It's clearly insulting and degrades Nexon's good name. You'll get nothing and like it. Thank you. - The Nexon security police.