Really sorry @ToastMasterJ. I moved your thread to the question section, I totally forgot that section is hidden. Oooops, anyway it won't happen again!
I have gotten all of these items from daily bossing. Got some from HT and Hilla, lots form Zakum. So far I have not experienced these items drop from Krexel.
Actually I have been working on droprate gear, so I can check some mobs for you. Fun fun, hold on. (less)
Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD)
- Do not to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) on the forums. This includes making claims on what Nexon’s actions intentions are.
*Implying Game Masters don't read tickets so there would be "no point" filing one, undermining the entire support system.
*Implying players fear for the safety of their accounts by playing normally.
*Implying hackers can just hack without consequences.
*Implying that playing legit will "get you banned" just as easily as hacking.
As a volunteer I have seen some cases of "innocent" players getting "falsely banned". I know at times it can look super convincing when you have a mob of people supporting the "falsely" banned player. It's not always what it seems, that's the reason why cases of banned players are handled internally and not with an audience taking sides in a conflict they don't have all the evidence in. And yes false bans do happen, not saying that's never the case either.