The hacking problems in MapleStory are circular. They have been for years, the only way to combat this problem would be to stop or significantly reduce the circle. A good way to deal with … (more)that is to stop players from being allowed to create tons of accounts, to do that we need some sort of authentication system that doesn't cost too much for the players and Nexon. Allowing players to become Game Masters does nothing to stop this circular problem and would most likely create more problems. It's rude to imply that "we" could do their job better when we have no clue what being a Game Master actually means in terms of chores, paper work, NDA stuff they have to follow and other things we have no clue how works.
It would be cool though if we could be assigned a community Game Master that would reply directly to our feedback and thoughts like Borsham did when he was around, I miss him! I miss the transparency, it was nice. Instead of letting players become Game Masters it would be cool if they for instance patrolled the problem areas we mention more, stuff like that.
Also I think it is a good idea to ban people that are guilty of botting/hacking for longer periods of time, just straight out six months regardless. Do it again, permanent ban with no chance for appeal what so ever. The tolerance should be extremely low, no second chances. That's my personal opinion.