Short description of what your character is wearing:
Hat: Tin Bucket
Face: Censor
Overall: Cardboard box
Cape: Rabbit-Bear Camping … (more)Bag
Weapon: Newspaper Sword
Ring: White Label Ring
Chair: Kitten Chair/Obnoxious-Display-of-Wealth-Chair
What look you're going for (theme):
I've been getting compliment on this look so I decided to submit this as "Homeless" theme. It's interesting to see many different colorful/cheery styles that are shown in this contest, but sometimes even the simplest look could be very fashionable. This 'hobo' look can be just as cool and inspiring. Something as simple as a cardboard box with a Tin Buckett as a hat can look surprisingly stylish.
P.S. Angie sure doesn't know about fashion pshh (less)
Short description of what your character is wearing:
Prim Ribbon Beret
Flushed Cheeks
Flutter Flower Knit
Flutter Flower Doll … (more)Lumby Snowflakes
White Label Ring
What look you're going for (theme):
June probably gets you thinking warm-weather trends were predictable. But also don't forget June is the flower season, bright colors such as pink played a very bold part of it. So I decided to wear loads of pink but still stayed trendy! (less)
Short description of what your character is wearing:
Hat: Leaf Hat
Face: Flushed Cheeks
Overall: Spring Scene Raincoat
Weapon: … (more)Dreaming Dandelion
Ring: White Label Ring
Spring Rain Effect nx
What look you're going for (theme):
Where I live is pretty rainy nowadays so I came up with this rainy theme. Rain and bad weather can be depressing, so why not go out of your way to wear something non-depressing, colorful, and bright? (less)