Not sure if anyone has ever thought to bring this up but it would be pretty cool if this happened. I have characters in Scania I never play on anymore yet theres CS items that were purchased on my characters and now I can't use them in Reboot because they're in different worlds; just a suggestion I hate to see all this stuff go to total waste considering they were purchased lol....and would actually like to have them on Reboot and since I'm sure 99% of the stuff on there have already been in surprise boxes I don't see why it'll be an issue.......just curious if this has ever happened in kms. Maybe I'm thinking to far in advance lol and might be ahead of myself but just curious as to what others feel xD
I'll keep an eye on this thread for next time you have spots available
It will give me an opportunity to reach the level requirement too. I've just returned to MapleStory after quite a long break so friends & guild are certainly lacking :P
So..what about the people that this is effecting? Nexon knows it's an issue but refuses to even move the NPC out of event hall; it's worked with the moon bunny ones when they had it in town..........something so simple as moving the NPC out could help the players a lot instead we're stuck with coins and unable to participate in getting any rewards from the coin shop which isn't fair to a majority of the player base -_-