I can't even begin to say what a slap to the face this has been to ALL the GMS players; EMS migrated over to GMS it wasn't the other way around..........more than HALF your player base … (more)lives in North America so why do we have to accommodate for the EMS players? (not hating on you guys) They have their own server why can't they be on UTC time and GMS back to PST??????? I don't understand why this is so hard to have TWO separate time-zones for two completely different servers; I feel you guys have literally told your GMS player base to basically screw off and be okay with it and we're now coming secondary to EMS players; PST was fair for everyone instead now you guys have server time set 5+ hours in advanced from everyone else......not to mention there has been a lot of mix ups with the event times ending earlier than they should have and it hasn't been consistent the programmers still clearly believe its in PST lol (less)
I was literally watching animal planet lol idk why i was bored and it was the time BT's 1st came to Reboot and i was thinking of how cute and fluffy animals are xD hence I came up with … (more)Fluffaroos lmao; My IL mage i came up with because i love Mystique in x-men hence Mystifies xD i know its off but it was the closest I came to making something similar lol (less)
Again with the royals being legit the same thing as we've seen in the last month T_T i like that our voices are being herd finally but really....anniversary styles have the exact same stuff we've seen within the last month >_<
Yeah it's really disappointing. I'm hoping they have good hairs in this random anime crossover event. I've never seen this anime before, but the preview looks kinda cool?
It does look cool but again everything is P2W as always and I'm pretty sure they'll probably make the prices more than usual >_< i was hoping the anniversary styles would have different things we haven't seen but...i was wrong T_T (less)
Again with the royals being legit the same thing as we've seen in the last month T_T i like that our voices are being herd finally but really....anniversary styles have the exact same … (more)stuff we've seen within the last month >_< (less)
Posted this exact suggestion in the suggestion thread a few days ago ;c lol i'd love that too >.> especially since my characters in scania are just sitting there untouched