As a reboot kanna main, I want to see...
1. more 2x drop events or drop rate revamp. I still need a lot of droplets.
2. haku changes. I feel that haku is still in a weak spot.
3. decrease … (more)kanna teleport delay
4. more detailed patch notes
5. sweetwater drop rate changes
6. more ways to get 400 coins needed for tyrant glove. For example, do double antimagic stones days like you did double symbol day. That would be cool.
7. a hotkey to turn off pet loot
8. more maps like cavern lower path. It's way too crowded right now.
I liked
1. BY FAR - the pet look lag fix. It's a miracle how smoothly the game runs now.
2. the recent rings event because it made all best in slot rings available.
3. how I don't run into hackers as often (less)