I played Bera long time ago when I started playing MapleStory. I've been playing in Renegades (now GRAZED) for a while.. but since I really want to play a populated server I'll be happy to … (more)return to Bera once a again.
Is perfect since Nexon is allowing all my characters for transfer I wont be losing anything just my Big Storage Slots, in fact I'll earn some mules from others servers tranfering all of them to Bera. (Can't do that with GRAZED since Im from Renegades and they only allow transfer to Demethos, rip) (less)
Here's another pair of screenshots taken just moments ago. Notice anything?
Again, why is Windia blocked off?
I been monitoring the activeness in Bera and Windia, and it's been consistently the same. Less than 1 week left until the event starts, tbh i have lost hope. I'll be too sad to leave windia server. It has been my home for years, but too many of my friends are leaping to Bera because Windia is restricted off.(less)
Lets go everyone to Bera and let Broa/Khaini/GRAZED/Windia/etc empty.. so there would be virtually only Bera and Scania
best to satisfy you cry babies. Things happen, sometimes worse than others and this is one of those rare occasions where it has been persistent like this. So what? Maybe the problem is bigger than all of you can understand. Try cheering them on at least. Give them motivation. Who wants to try hard to fix something to satisfy a bunch of whiny people always starting something. Just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean we have to be up someone's ass about something at every little thing that makes you unhappy.
Cut Nexon some slack. They are not just sitting around sipping their coffee and laughing at us. They are also being financially effected by these sort of issues.
Go outside for a bit, hang out with friends, do some chores around the house, plan something.
Back ups exists. Game was stable before. They already know whats happening to the game, they can actually fix the problem before launching the game... is an insult to the face of every player posting that the issue is fixed, game is on and when you log in you got the same glitch or even worse.
Keep the server close until you actually fix the issue thats not hard to do. (less)
TECHNICALLY have had 90% uptime during the past two weeks. It's just been INSANELY frustrating. The game is more than playable. You just have to pick and choose very carefully what you do. Not that that is OKAY. But it hardly warrant shutting down the game for a full week xD
I'm saying a week over reacting... I mean they should close indefinitly the game until they actually fix the issue, doesnt matter if it takes 24, 48 hours or more, but don't launch a game full of glitches. (less)