Honestly I trained till level 200 never had any issues this was back during 2x I even did a video just in case something happen and nothing ever did stopped using the Kanna at level 200...
Do play on reboot or regular servers?
I only play on GRAZED will not play on any other worlds.(less)
This is the first time I've heard of this "GRAZED"
That honestly does not instill confidence in those playing on the other servers.
I don't get it. Just farm on another class with a pet. kMS doesn't even have mob spawn slave and they're doing just fine.
Man, what a bunch of jokers.
This coming from the guy who whined on every thread in the forums awhile back about Hayato.
While everyone else is whining about not being able to use an easy mode character to farm garbage with.(less)
So you think complaining about a feature not being to a liking makes you better than people legitimately afraid of being locked from a game for even thinking about using a feature?