So you're right they've been favoring the minority of players not the majority, I know quite a lot of Australian players over the years but most of the people I've met are EST/PST and American/Canadian. 3am EST for Australians is like early in the morning I understand that that's extremely convenient for them but it was more convenient for the majority of players when 2x was midnight EST and 9pm PST id think at least. That way it was also 12pm PST/3pm EST. I understand the fact that people do work and go to school. But the game is its most popular at least by double during winter/spring/summer and those times are perfect for those ages imo at least.when are flag races now? and would've been nice if it was EST I didn't even know what UTC meant until now either way I'm neutral about it because I'm sick of having 2x at 3am EST every weekend when its occurring its basically in favor of all the Californian players because it was originally convenient for both a few years back, I don't understand though why were favoring the new players when they are significantly less-populated then the NA server I've heard. reason I say EST is a good time zone to follow is because then 2x would start midnight EST/reset and that's only 9PST, way better then having reset at 7PM EST(which I'm indifferent about but I feel for the majority of the players in west) and 4pm PST.. I know European players who've not struggled playing on these hours for a decade I don't know why this sudden change..The 3AM EST 2x session was created for Australians. Americans on both coasts have the 2PM PST session.