I think the new forum and old forum is still pretty much the same in terms of notifying someone.
If someone comments on your own thread then you get notified, but if you comment on someone else's thread and they @tag you or quote you, it doesn't show up in my notifications?
The Medal count been bugging a lot recently and the newest medals still have not been counted from mushroom shrine and killing tengu along with the anniversary medals like 6th cake anniversary and etc that was dropped from boxes in most recent anniversary, so technically they were not the OG medals, but still they dropped - therefore they should count.
yes we have way too much, even the events that need us to hold stuff in set-up for 1 hour and etc. then there are the many titles from events. I think solution should be a totally new storage place JUST FOR EVENTS, like how theres 1 JUST FOR CS. make 1 JUST FOR EVENTS that way we can go back and visit our memories
Requirements to join are quite short and I am very generous in terms of the rate of acceptance. I care much more about social aspects than range, so if you're a person who is active on reddit/ basilmarket/ or other forums then I will accept you-- given your reputation on those sites, even if you do not have in-game vouchers/ friends. The guild would be a way for you to gain friends
Also, people who love discord are very welcome to apply !
Some real requirements: 125+ (This is because our guild hq is in root abyss ch.1 and most interviews are set there) At least 2 friends (Again, there is leeway in this)
Message me or comment if interested !
Also just know that you should remember to type twice to fix guild chat and buddy chat whenever you log on !