they'll become worthless (in terms of mesos). No one said zero, just worthless. And again, I don't care if they do change this, I rather have access to them at cheaper price than access to expensive ones.
I understand your concern that prices will drop but please realize that is an unavoidable part of the game. Remember when CRA armor first came out they were 1bil each? Gollux has been out just as long as CRA. it is only natural their prices drop.
Also keep in mind the original post was for REBOOT. Where there is no trading. And reason we wanted this never had to do with trading. We wanted it because it can allow one silly accident/unwitting individual to completely ruin his character and force him to start over.
Having to restart my character after one small mistake makes me want to quit, not buy more NX (less)
drop a valuable item, nonetheless, if they were restocked shops, the market will flood with these valuables. So, it's not a bad thing. Unless youre trying to make mesos.
Let's say you meant to double click the item to equip it then accidentally drop it. Let's say you're selling off pensalir gear and accidentally NPC your item and not notice. Let's say you forget to tick the "safeguard" box in the enhancement window and your item turns into a trace. There are so many possibilites.
We should not be punished so harshly for human error. Does it make sense that just by 1 small mistake, you have to restart your entire character even if you've been playing on it for 2 years? Why is the game so unforgiving? How does this encourage gameplay and make us want to spend money? (less)
OG nostalgia item. This item exists in all other servers but GMS. Come on it's 2018 and we still don't have this? Please bring it to us in Summer time! AS PERMANENT* NX EQUIP ITEM ID: 1050127 (less)