Ever since everyone has come home because COVID-19 after the maintenance, the servers were lagging so bad that we couldn't clear all the hard bosses last night. I'm in Elysium server. A lot of people have been lagging lately. I'm not sure about other servers, I've asked the guys in reboot, and they don't seem to find any problems with theirs. I'm gonna safely assume Bera is also struggling with that too. Obviously not happy.
since wondroid event .. this problem is to today , there are many posts in diverses forums with these problems. since high consumption in the cpu, lag, lag spike, freezes whit delay, it isnt only in elysium also in some worlds but they are blind or do not want fix this for the moment
Obviously you did not play in Elysium. The serious lag problem only happens when you have multiple people in bossing. It only happens in Elysium after maintenance in March, and other servers like Bera, Reboot are totally fine when bossing with six man party.
man i play in both worlds. bera and elysium , have a internet of 600mbs fibre optic .. and elysium is unplayable to cause of lag and bera have problems of lag and spikes freezes, by a high use in task manager by the performance only in this game in 70% 90% to 100% randomly ... not is problem of my pc why is a good pc gamer of last generation ... monitor less ... is a game 2D but no fix we see to today(less)
well, let us hope nexon can fix the lags in both Elysium and Bera.
Ever since everyone has come home because COVID-19 after the maintenance, the servers were lagging so bad that we couldn't clear all the hard bosses last night. I'm in Elysium server. A lot of people have been lagging lately. I'm not sure about other servers, I've asked the guys in reboot, and they don't seem to find any problems with theirs. I'm gonna safely assume Bera is also struggling with that too. Obviously not happy.
since wondroid event .. this problem is to today , there are many posts in diverses forums with these problems. since high consumption in the cpu, lag, lag spike, freezes whit delay, it isnt only in elysium also in some worlds but they are blind or do not want fix this for the moment(less)
Obviously you did not play in Elysium. The serious lag problem only happens when you have multiple people in bossing. It only happens in Elysium after maintenance in March, and other servers like Bera, Reboot are totally fine when bossing with six man party.
I can confirm Elysium is extremely laggy when bossing and training. I think your point is right that NA nexon has undercut the bandwidth of Elysium and gives to server with more population … (more)like bera though I have no evidence. (less)