The request stems off of the issues many players/customers are having during this cash inventory transfer event. They are unable to transfer their cash items.
The request:
The cash shop should be available between all characters at all times. It should not be limited to 2-4 events each year that last 1 week long.
The items from the cash shop are purchased with real money and should be accessible. A customer should that spends hundreds, or even thousands of dollars to obtain pets that can loot further distance (aka vac pets) only to be locked on a particular character for months at a time is absurd.
What's wrong with current system?
It is a predatory practice that encourages desperate players to then spend hundreds, or even thousands of dollars more to get them on other characters. This practice needs to end.
Why this example?
The vac pet is only but one example and is brought up because of the amount of money it costs the customer to obtain. All items purchased with cash, NX, whatever you want to call it, if it originates from the customer and benefits the company, needs to be available on the customer's account at all times anywhere the customer wishes it to be.
How does this benefit the company?
Builds more trust between the customer and the company and makes them a loyal customer. A loyal customer will come back and be willing to continue spending with the business.
That is my request, and I hope that other maplers/customers share the same sentiment.