Came to realize you can no longer get any of the older hairstyles recently and forced to settle for the system that's in place now. Essentially, randomized hair coupons that never lands on the hair you want and either you settle for the hair you got, revert back to your default hair, or gamble on another hair coupon. The only other option is to pay for a hair specific coupon in the auction house that may be overpriced assuming it's available. Makes me think it's designed to be that way on purpose to profit off of multiple NX purchases (assuming if you are determined to get the hair you want). The only thing you have a choice for in terms of cosmetics are skins and hair colors. Beyond that, everything else feels a bit limited and how are you supposed to know when the hair options are updated? What's your take on those changes and do you miss any of the town specific hairstyles from days of old?